Thursday 6 September 2018

{10 Years of L&L} Year 6: 2013

L&L Turns 10 - Year 6 | Listen & Learn Music

Year 6 at Listen & Learn Music was a time of adjustment and learning. As a brand new mom with a baby at home and two businesses to run, I had to figure out how to prioritize my time and energy…because I didn’t have a whole lot of either (year 6 was also a time of very little sleep).

Looking back through the 2013-2014 archives, most of my content was centered around my baby and being a mom, with a little music sprinkled in here and there. But my readers seemed to enjoy what I was sharing, so I kept it up.

I went through another big change that same year in my private practice, which up until then had been a solo business run entirely out of my home. In the spring, I took on a partner, formed an LLC, and we moved into a new space where we worked with our students and clients as well as rebooted Listen & Learn for Little Ones, the early childhood music classes I had started the previous year.

Year 6 was not my most productive period of songwriting, that’s for sure, but I did manage to stay somewhat consistent with new songs given everything else on my plate at the time.

My 2013 Gift to You

YOU are the reason that Listen & Learn Music is still alive and well today, and YOU are the reason I’ll be celebrating another 10 years in 2028. Every email and comment I receive detailing how a song was brought to life in a classroom or music therapy session, and how it helped a child to learn a new skill, provides the motivation to make this an even more valuable resource for you.

To properly thank you for your support, I’ll be sharing one of my favorite resources with you from the L&L collection each day in yearly chronological order, all the way through September 10.

Today’s gift is a song that I adapted for a client working on her verbalization skills. We had found some success with echo songs, so I used the melody of “The Other Day I Met a Bear” and changed the lyrics. It was almost Halloween at the time, so I chose a black cat as the main character. “Black Cat” is a song that I continue to use every fall to address listening skills, repetition, and verbalization.

Black Cat | Listen & Learn Music

If you have already joined the “Listen & Learn Music Turns 10” celebration, this gift has already been delivered to your email inbox. And if you haven’t yet joined in, all you have to do is fill out your name and email below:

Check your email now for a special invitation to the private “10 Years of Listen & Learn” Facebook group. I’ll be sharing all 10 resources there as well, along with other goodies you won’t want to miss throughout the 10 days of celebration.

Our Biggest Giveaway Ever

On September 10, one extremely lucky winner will receive a LIFETIME VIP MEMBERSHIP to Listen & Learn Plus, including all current and future CMTE courses.

Lifetime Membership Giveaway! | Listen & Learn Plus

All you have to do is help me celebrate by:

1) following Listen & Learn Music on Instagram
2) Creating a post about how you’ve used a L&L resource, or just simply sending a birthday wish
3) Tagging @listenlearnmusic on your post
4) Using the hashtag #listenlearnmusicturns10

Feel free to save and post this image and use the caption:

Wishing @listenlearnmusic a very happy 10th birthday! I’m joining in the celebration and hoping to win a lifetime VIP membership to Listen & Learn Plus! #listenlearnmusicturns10

Follow the steps above to enter as many times as you’d like between September 1 – 10.

The post {10 Years of L&L} Year 6: 2013 appeared first on Listen & Learn Music.

Original source:

from Welcome To Nightsoft via Article Source

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