Friday 1 February 2019

The collapse of vaccine science is well underway, but people blindly cling to the status quo because they know nothing else

The collapse of vaccine science is well underway, but people blindly cling to the status quo because they know nothing else

Tags: Aluminum , amphetamine drugs , apathy , badhealth , badscience , brain damage , children’s health , collapse of medicine , critical thinking , Dangerous Medicine , herbal remedies , immunity , immunoglobulin therapies , junk science , Medical Tyranny , nutrition , science clowns , true prevention , vaccine failure , vaccine science , vaccines , viral shedding , wishful thinking
( Natural News ) When the coolant begins to leak out of your vehicle and the temperature gauge rises, you mustn’t continue down the road, pretending like nothing is going to happen. If your vehicle shows signs of overheating, you must stop and face the problem. A coolant hose may be loose, the thermostat may need to be replaced, an intake manifold gasket could be failing, the radiator may be punctured, the water pump could be going out, or even worse, the head gasket may be failing.
In society, many people blindly believe that nothing is breaking down, that nothing is collapsing. Even though the signs of collapse are flashing all around, like warning lights on the dash, many people continue to drive down the road of their lives, pretending like nothing is going to happen. Wishful thinking does not stop a vehicle from overheating. Likewise, you can’t ignore your way out of a crisis. Wishful thinking does not shield you from the looming reality of a breakdown, whether it is your vehicle, society in general, or the science behind modern medicine.
Even though the signs of collapse are obvious, it’s easier to cling to the status quo and pretend like nothing is happening. But a collapse is an opportunity to improve, to fix, to evolve, and to build upon. It is not something to ignore. Some people are looking for a complete collapse — an event of great magnitude that causes widespread chaos. A complete doomsday scenario never comes because a collapse is a slow process with many evolving parts and unfolding events . The collapse of modern medicine goes ignored
The collapse is happening all around us. Driven by Big Pharma, it’s happening in medicine and science, specifically in vaccine programs that cause not only disability and premature death, but also cause viral shedding and viral mutations that perpetuate the diseases they advertise to prevent. The masses want to continue to have faith in vaccine science, but wishful thinking does not take away from the fact that new polio, measles, mumps, and flu incidences are now traced to the live attenuated viruses from the vaccines themselves. Did you know that 90 percent of whooping cough victims today are already vaccinated against whooping cough? Did you know that scientists admit that polio outbreaks are often caused by the vaccines ? 100% organic essential oil sets now available for your home and personal care, including Rosemary, Oregano, Eucalyptus, Tea Tree, Clary Sage and more, all 100% organic and laboratory tested for safety. A multitude of uses, from stress reduction to topical first aid. See the complete listing here , and help support this news site.
When injected into weak, overburdened immune systems, these lab-grown viruses revert to infectious form and indiscriminately shed into the environment via the vaccinated person’s aerosols and body fluids. Even so, many people still cling to the status quo, repeating phrases like “vaccines saves lives” and just “get your damn shots.” They know nothing but to trust in authority and believe in popular opinion, even as all evidence points to the contrary.
Instead of parroting the pharmaceutical and dairy industry propaganda, public health officials could be adopting a public health strategy that raises the bar for immunity and prevention through breastfeeding, nutrition literacy, super foods, water filtration, plant-based foods, effective herbal remedies, supplements, and emergency immunoglobulin therapies.
Bad medicine is affecting toddlers in other ways, too. In 2017, more than 622,000 babies and toddlers were doped up on psychiatric drugs. Children have never been so cognitively-impaired, autistic, and educationally-challenged. Learning institutions are failing to bring up resilient, self-motivated individuals who can think critically. Young school age children are increasingly drugged up with behavior-modifying Ritalin and Adderall, two addictive amphetamine drugs.
Instead of drugging children into compliance, adults need to fix the underlying problems that institutional structures of control impose on children’s brains, which include the CDC’s pediatric vaccine schedule, responsible for burdening brains with neuro-toxic aluminum, MSG, formaldehyde, and yes, sometimes mercury .
The CDC vaccine schedule is the greatest example of a collapse that continues to go ignored. Most pediatricians continue to follow pharmaceutical propaganda, ignoring the very real problems with vaccine science . As health care professionals continue to drive the overheating vehicle down the road, children’s health is the worst it’s ever been. Communicable and non-communicable disease still runs rampant as autism, auto-immune and behavior disorders become commonplace. The engine of our society is burning up and bursting into flames right before our eyes, but the masses continue to cling to the status quo and ignore the most real collapse in generations — the collapse of vaccine science .
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