Saturday, 13 October 2018

Why Guitar Players Need to Learn Music Theory

Nick introduces basic concepts of guitar music theory using his popular pyramid method.

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Abridged script of video:

The Guitar Music Theory Pyramid is a tool we developed on the Secret Guitar Teacher site to help our members study Guitar Music Theory in a way that is fun, interesting and useful – because we knew that, the way the subject is often taught, can easily make it appear boring, confusing and irrelevant.

The pyramid idea emphasizes the fact that Guitar Music Theory is a very layered subject – you can’t expect to understand the more advanced levels of the subject if you haven’t first thoroughly studied the middle levels.

And studying these middle levels can be made a lot quicker, and easier, if you first take a bit of time to familiarise yourself with just the basics, of Standard Notation.

Now I know that guitar tab and chord grids will always be the most popular way that guitarists pass on information to each other, but neither of these methods help much when you are studying music theory.

And, by learning just the basics of standard notation, you will not only greatly accelerate your progress on up the pyramid of music theory, you will also be able to pick melodies off sheet music and out of songbooks and communicate intelligently with other musicians who play different instruments.

Think of standard notation as being the universal language of musicians.

Now we come to the most important part of the pyramid – the very foundations of the subject. The first two levels – involve learning the open string names and the chromatic scale. With just these two things learned thoroughly, you already have a method quickly to work out the name of any note on the fret board. Then, learning about tones and semitones and how they are used in the Major Scale formula immediately empowers you to be able to find major scales in any key anywhere on the fret board.

I hope you can see that learning just these relatively quick and easy stages of music theory, puts you way out in front of the vast majority of guitar players in terms of understanding the subject of music.

I’ve noticed that the main reason guitar players get stuck when they attempt to learn music theory is that they undervalue these four foundational levels and try to climb on up the pyramid after no more than a quick scan through this basic information.

On the Secret guitar teacher site, we use this pyramid as a map. But we add to this all the guidance you need, in the form of teaching videos and supporting materials, as well as personal 1:1 email support from me, on demand, to help you climb the pyramid in a way that is fast, fun and empowering to you as a musician.

So, head on over to the site right now and sign on for a free thirty-day trial – I promise you, there’s a great view from the top of this pyramid and that alone is worth the effort of the climb.

from Welcome To Nightsoft via Article Source

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