Friday 29 June 2018

Large yellow/off white gel cap with no markings.

Large yellow/off white gel cap with no markings.

Large Yellow/off White Gel Cap With No Markings. 3 Replies Updated Comments Submitted Says: Sat, Apr 18 ’09, 6:37 PM When looking at it vertically, it has an indention running all the way around. It was found in my grandmother’s (who was in a retirement home at the time) pill container that seperated her pills into morning noon and night. Showing Replies 1 – 3 of 3 Page Lynn Says: Sun, Jan 17 ’10, 9:48 AM I found a small oval white gel capsule looking exactly as you described – no markings other than an indentation running lenghtwise around the capsule. I’d like to know what it is. Lynn Says: Mon, Jan 18 ’10, 9:18 AM Off-white oblong liquid-filled gel capsule, vertical indentation running lengthwise, with no markings is Nature’s Bounty Melatonin Tue, Jun 26 ’18, 8:51 PM Hello, Unfortunately the FDA requires that any regulated medication be identifiable by it’s physical appearance (color, shape, imprint, size etc.) and because this pill does not have an imprint it is not likely that it is medication. This means that what you found is likely a vitamin or supplement. Due to the sheer number of brands and possible vitamins it would be near impossible to identify the contents over the internet, however, you do have the option of taking the pill to your local pharmacy and see if they can identify the contents for you. It wouldn’t hurt to also ask the retirement home if they kept any records of what vitamins/supplements that she was taking. Hopefully they have some sort of records that can help you identify the pill. I hope this information helps. Let me know if there is anything else I can do to help. Viewing page 1 of 1 Reply More Discussions: phenytoin 420 – plain white gel capsule with imprint 420 twice, no other markings My prescription drug was changed from phenytoin with the purple band to phenytoin plain white with the number 420 printe… 3 replies I was tired one day at work, a person gave me round pill half the size of a dime with no markings on either side. They t… 1 reply Post a Reply Simply fill out the form below. 1) Message: You may use your first name, or for more privacy, make up a nickname. 3) Email Address: Optional. Always hidden . This allows us to notify you when a reply is posted here. Subscribe to Health Newsletter Enter the text you see below: = This form will be submitted securely I’m on a public or shared computer Discussion Thread Guidelines: Any participation in the discussion threads signifies your agreement with the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy . (1) Act civilized and be respectful towards others. No profanity, vulgarity or lewd / suggestive content is allowed. (2) Posts encouraging, facilitating, or seeking advice about the abuse of medications or other substances are prohibited. (3) Personal contact information (such as telephone numbers, email addresses, etc) is not allowed to appear on our discussion threads. (4) We do not allow our forums to be used for buying, selling, trading, or for the promotion of a product or service. (5) Posting external links to other web sites is not allowed without our prior approval. (6) We reserve the right to edit or remove content which we find objectionable to the community at our sole discretion. DAILY HEALTH NEWSLETTER Your email is never shared. LIKE & FOLLOW US

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