Friday 31 March 2017

PAC Link Party Thursday – Ready for Traffic?

Ready to Party?  Ready for more traffic to your blog? Link Parties are a great way to engage and build a following. Here’s the Party Theme for this week … make sure you are logged in to participate 🙂 Share your best blog tips post. Just CLICK on the blue button below to add your blog and volia! let’s visit, make the rounds, have some fun, learn something new – ya ready? Increase traffic to your blog and engagement        

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Get To Know Lesly Federici, The Heart of PAC

Lesly Federici is a Registered Nurse (RN) turned Community, Affiliate Marketer. She’s also CEO/Publisher of PAC (Power Affiliate Club).   Lesly is known as the “Artistic Affiliate” and the “Do It” Mentor where she motivates people to get those dusty projects done. She also mentors in enhancing blogging skills and online presence using SME (Social Media Engagement) in creative ways through her “Robin Hood Mentor” program.  Lesly believes the greatest opportunities in life are self-generated – there are no limits to what one can accomplish. I am excited for you to get to know Lesly better. She has been a

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Wednesday 29 March 2017

Why Fear Is Your Best Friend If You Want Readers to Keep Reading

How To Use Fear As Your Best Friend If You Want Readers to Keep Reading? Fear is the most universal, dominant, and primal human motivator. And the key, as counter-intuitive as it sounds, is to stop hiding from your fears and embrace them. Why? Because your own fears are the most powerful connection points you have to reach the very people who scare you the most: your readers. To help you grab your audience right from the start let’s take a look at the 10 most common fears we as humans face:   1. The Fear of Failure This fear of failure, however, is

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Friday 24 March 2017

Starting a Blog The Easy Way

  Decided that starting a blog is what you want to do? I wish that I had someone to help me when I started blogging. This is why I am writing this article,  to help you with how to start a blog. Congratulations! You probably have seen many beautiful blogs online and wondered if you could create something like them? Yes you can, it is possible. You just have to learn how to do it. It does take work and being consistent. Blogs are frequently updated using articles, but a website contains features such as static pages that focus on certain types of content.  Such as

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Wednesday 22 March 2017

Ready to Get Those Monkeys Off Your Back?

It’s human nature. Faced with competing priorities many of us end up carrying our unfinished projects around like little monkeys on our back, making it difficult to concentrate and focus effectively. Ironically, the heaviest and loudest monkeys are often those that we have taken on willingly – albeit with the best of intentions – by assuming ownership of someone else’s problems. Essentially our little “monkeys” represent the efforts of your colleagues, subordinates and even friends and family members to effectively delegate their role, problems or work to you. More often than not this isn’t done out of malice, but rather

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Saturday 18 March 2017

Tracking Your Affiliate Links

Tracking Your Affiliate Links means knowing your numbers. No matter what you are promoting affiliate products or your own, you always want to track your links. If you don’t know your numbers, you don’t know what’s working and what doesn’t also you can’t optimize your business. As I’m following a training called “Operation $100K” (which by the way is going to be probably over $2000 if not more when it’s done, but for now is included as a bonus with a membership account), I realized how fast you could lose money if not tracking. Not only that but you are wasting

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Get Google to index your site in under 9 minutes

As bloggers, we want our articles seen. It just makes sense to get them seen as quickly as possible. So we need to get Google to Index our site fast for this to happen. Here is the Infobunny way to get Google to index your site and articles fast. Every time I create a new article on Infobunny and on the PAC Club, I’m always looking to get what I create indexed and seen as quickly as possible. Here is how we do it. 1/ How to get Google to Index Your Site – On page SEO You need to optimize your

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Tuesday 14 March 2017

3 Financial Considerations for Entrepreneurs Preparing to Launch Startups

So you have what you believe is an innovative idea for a new startup business. You spend some time conducting market research, and analyzing operations and success rates of similar businesses that might be close competitors. You even write up a business plan to get all the components of your prospective business organized. Let’s see, what’s left? Oh yeah, finances!! Consider these questions: Do you have the means to fund your own business startup? Have you applied for or received funding from a small business organization? Have you researched for potential funding from organizations such as angel investors or venture

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Sunday 12 March 2017

Seven Tips for Getting the Most Out of Your Content Upgrades

Content upgrades are a relatively new way to target your readers and ensure you are giving them the content they want and need. Adding content upgrades to your blog posts is one of the best ways to start building a relationship with your audience. By creating content upgrades that give your readers even more detail than what’s in your general blog post, you are able to deliver extra information that is helpful to them. Content upgrades are also an excellent way to get people on your list as they must opt-in to receive the bonus information. This works to your

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Friday 10 March 2017

Social Media Marketing Strategy | Putting It All Together

A practical social media marketing strategy is a must for most business these days. With the emergence of social media over the last decade or so it has allowed businesses to further engage their customer base on a deeper level using different the different platforms to do it. The truth is people in general have different tastes and preferences as to how they best like to communicate. Some like to read and write in order to communicate, and then there are people who are more visual and prefer to watch a video and see images in order to either receive

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Can One Be Financially Free With A Home Business?

is being financially free possibel with a home business?When you start out in home business, the first question that probably comes to mind is: “will I ever build my business to earn enough money to become financially free?” It doesn’t matter what the business, financial freedom doesn’t just happen overnight. If your business is selling products from your own warehouse or factory, selling e-books (written by you or reselling), digital download products, or offering a valuable service, there are some definite “musts” for success.

To Be Financially Free You Must RESEARCH Your Business Idea First!

If you can’t think of a product or service to offer, you can always opt for a “ready-made” home business. This type of business is one that is set up by another individual or company and you are trained to sell their products to others. This can be in affiliate marketing or network marketing (MLM), whatever you’re preference. But before delving into this kind of business, make sure you research the opportunities available. Be sure to find out what types of products and services you’ll be able to offer to your clients.

Don’t jump into every “good opportunity” you see. Make sure you read what each business opportunity has to offer. Compare each one and check out their value-added services and the investment required. This will include what’s involved to join, promote, and continue with the business.

Make sure you choose a home business opportunity that you feel comfortable with and will enjoy doing for a long time. If you enjoy your business, you’re more likely to succeed and become financially free.

Choose A Business That Fits Your Personality

Not every business type will be right for you. Choose one that fits your personality. If you enjoy sales and are very good at it, then go for a business that allows you to interact with people by phone, e-mail, or face to face. This business may be direct sales to the end consumer, business-to-business sales, or networking to help others achieve financial freedom.

If you prefer to promote online and do your own thing without much interaction, start a home business that allows you to do this. If you want to partner with a company to promote their products or services, find out if they will close the sales for you. If they will do this, you’ll have the freedom to promote and build the business doing what you love most.

Work Diligently from Home

Now you’ve decided on the type of business, it’s time to work! Don’t assume that working from home will be easy. As with any other business, you must really work at it. Put together a business plan setting realistic goals to earn money and achieve financial freedom over time.

Then look for ways to promote your business for real results. Beware of promotional companies that sound too good to be true. There are some very dependable promotional companies, but there are also many scams. Research a company well before paying into their programs. Look for those that have been around a while and have a good reputation. Ask questions in business related forums to get advice and to find resources on promotion.

Create a Steady Cash System

Unlock financial freedom from homeWhen you’ve promoted your business for a while and start getting sales, work out the things you need to do to build up a steady cash system for the future. Find ways to maximize your efforts. Develop and publish more content on your website to attract additional search engine traffic. Find a relevant “giveaway” to build up an email list of people you can promote your products and services to. Keep adding products or services to get repeat business. These will help you continue with success for the long run. Your income will be steady and you’ll be able to make money on a full-time basis.

Continuing Education

Learn all you can about your business and products. If you’re selling e-books written by others, be sure to read them so you’ll know the quality and details of the items you are selling. If offering a service, learn how to offer it in the best way possible.

Don’t forget to learn the marketing skills you will need too. You can easily find online home study courses to help you learn new trades or improve on your skills.

The more you know about your business and products, the better you’ll be able to promote them and help your customers when they have questions.

By following these simple steps, you’ll be able to start a home business that brings you satisfaction each day and you will be on the way to being financially free.

Barrie Evans

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Thursday 9 March 2017

The 10 Types of Content That Work Best for SEO - Whiteboard Friday

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Which Page Markup + Tags Still Matter for SEO? - Whiteboard Friday

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Backlinks from Client Sites, Sites You Own, Widgets, & Embedded Content - Whiteboard Friday

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Using Paid Media to Drive Loyalty & Advocacy - Whiteboard Friday

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How to Beat Your Competitor's Rankings with More *Comprehensive* Content - Whiteboard Friday

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How Can Small Businesses/Websites Compete with Big Players in SEO? - Whiteboard Friday

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How to Craft the Best Damn E-commerce Page on the Web - Whiteboard Friday

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Content Gating: Puting Your Content Behind an Email/Form Capture - Whiteboard Friday

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How to Build a Facebook Funnel That Converts - Whiteboard Friday

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Penguin 4.0: How the Real-Time Penguin-in-the-Core-Alg Model Changes SEO - Whiteboard Friday

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Optimizing for RankBrain... Should We Do It? (Is It Even Possible?) - Whiteboard Friday

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How to Appear in Google's Answer Boxes - Whiteboard Friday

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How To Support Data with Real-Life Interviews - Whiteboard Friday

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Weird, Crazy Myths About Link Building in SEO You Should Probably Ignore - Whiteboard Friday

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Tuesday 7 March 2017

5 Important Reasons Why Guest Posting Is Beneficial To Every Business

Editor’s Note: PAC welcomes Saurabh Tiwari as a Guest Writer Do you usually ask yourself how to avail more traffic on your blog and how can you convert that traffic into subscribers? You have spent so many precious hours creating content on your blog and you have made an effort to market on social media. But at the end of the day, it only seems that you have some non-permeable wall keeping you from growing your blog. The most important reason can be that you might be missing guest posting. 1. Guest Blogging Builds Relationships With Other (Influential) Bloggers Guest

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Friday 3 March 2017

How To Share Your Facebook Brand on Pinterest

That is the question … How to share your Facebook Brand on Pinterest? We are talking about YOU sharing the Content you Create for YOUR Brand where eager consumers can find it. When you create value and inspiration on Facebook, it is a tragedy for that to be lost down your timeline, and Pinterest is a place to showcase your content where people will find it by searching directly for keywords browsing your profile after a search clicking on one of your pins in their news-feed following you you following them In a previous post “9 Steps To Optimise and Share

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Wednesday 1 March 2017

10 Best Successful Tips For Email Marketing

Editors Note: We welcome Guest Writer Muhannad Tabish There are many online businesses that are going for email marketing. When you want to implement this kind of strategy for your business, then here are some tips for email marketing that you can take a look at. Through these, you will be able to see some improvements with your email marketing campaign. 1. Don’t Use Too Many Images It is not advisable that you use several images that will make your email difficult to view. If there are too many images, the users will find it messy and they won’t like

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