Tuesday, 28 June 2016

The Ultimate Guide to Making Money From Ad Networks [PART 3]

This is Part 3 of our series of posts for “The Ultimate Guide to Making Money From Ad Networks”. Part 1 – What are Ad Networks? Part 2 – Types of Ad Networks. Online Advertising Glossary Although we did touch upon a few things in our recent posts about ad networks, we believe it’s best to give you a complete overview of ad network terms and abbreviations in this separate article. If you’re to become a publisher and work with ad networks then you will have to be well-versed in this industry-specific jargon. Knowing it will not only enhance your

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Monday, 27 June 2016

How To Create A Wealthy Mindset

2 Tips on Creating a Wealthy Mindset In life, attitude is everything.  We’ve all been told that our attitude determines our altitude. Most people have much more control over their own happiness and success than they dare to realize. The fact is, we all have control over our own minds, and it turn, our feelings.  It is when we exercise that control that we are able to fully experience our greatness.     Here are 2 tips that will help you to have a winning attitude and a wealthy mindset that will protect your mind from negativity so you can

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Sunday, 26 June 2016

Finding Your Market Through Brand Archetypes

Understanding the concept of brand archetypes helps us work out who to market to as well as how to. Do you have a defined audience for your own business? It’s very important. Read on to find out how to work it out. We are rightly advised to stand out from the crowd, write compelling content, tell stories, have calls to action and a marketing funnel. These are all valuable methods, but… Who does your compelling content and story telling appeal to, or who do you want to stand out to? It can’t be everyone. I give you two scenarios: 1.

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Friday, 24 June 2016

Mirror Mirror On The Wall How Will My Life Grow

Wouldn’t it be great to look into our mirror at home and see our future grow before our eyes. What do you want  in life? This is the question.What is your answer? It takes many years to figure this question out. Is the time wasted while you are searching for “what I want to do?” No, it brings you to what you want by finding out what you don’t want to do. My Work Experience I spent many years in sales and learned that I could be good at it. But it just wasn’t something I really wanted to do.

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Positive Thinking And Effective Marketing Go Hand in Hand

positive thinking helps effective marketingSuccessful sales and effective marketing needs persistence, continuous improvement and an expectation there will be a positive outcome. If you don’t believe in your success and approach every aspect of marketing with enthusiasm, creativity and a positive attitude, it would be like taking part in a yacht race with no wind to help you along. This means you have no momentum or direction, leaving your competition free to overtake you.

Attitude has a deceptive way of infiltrating everything we do. It can take us to great heights or drag us down to the depths of failure. It can energize us to do everything at the right time, or it can affect our motivation and cause us to sabotage all of the great plans we have made.

The truth is that we either own our attitude or our attitude owns us. It’s occasionally necessary to take charge of our thoughts, attitudes, and habits. Effort without focus, whether it involves marketing or any other kind of business, is almost certain to produce poor results.

Effective Marketing Is Not Served With Negative Thinking.

The impact of negative thoughts can infect your mind creating a cascading effect of self-destructive actions and beliefs. In direct sales, we need a winning attitude and a magnetic personality to influence people to become customers. That, however, is only the tip of the iceberg because a successful salesperson needs the finesse and people skills to regain lost customers, negotiate the best deal as well as ask for and get sales referrals. They also need to inspire teamwork and have the energy and optimism to overcome setbacks and keep moving forward despite of any “temporary” failure. If you don’t have a positive mental attitude, that is unlikely to happen.

effective and successful marketing needs positive thinkingDeveloping a positive attitude encourages the creativity and optimism necessary for nearly every aspect of marketing. This ranges from sending out press releases and sales letters to placing ads or launching a web site and dealing with people. You need to believe it’s going to work, or it could be you won’t try at all—or your efforts will be half-hearted and weak at best. Either way, you are likely to be doomed to failure before you get started.

Alternatively, if you make up your mind to be the ‘eternal optimist’, you’ll be able to take calculated risks and put your best foot forward. This might involve an integrated program of reading motivational books, listening to self-improvement audios, taking some time and effort to identify and avoid (or filter out) a lot of the negativity present in your environment. This will help you to establish daily habits that will attract beneficial people and circumstances into your life.

Running your own business and being an entrepreneur can be risky sometimes. If an expensive marketing campaign falls down or you lose a major client to the competition, you could be scrambling to make up for the loss. Despite the negativity of that, keeping a positive state of mind helps you be creative, resourceful, and energized and also enhances your ability to anticipate, adapt, and regroup.

Effective marketing needs that positive thinking to help you to counteract the negativity and move forward. Even though certain aspects of marketing are considered by some to be a gamble, the best way to deal with anything is by adopting a focused, optimistic, and positive mental attitude.


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Thursday, 23 June 2016

How to Create Lasting Happiness

There’s nothing so much as beautiful and satisfying as being truly happy. Everyone on earth, no matter where they come from or who they are, wants to be happy. Rich or poor, black or white, young or old… everyone is genuinely seeking to experience more joy. “I believe that the very purpose of our life is to seek happiness. That is clear. Whether one believes in religion or not, whether one believes in this religion or that religion, we all are seeking something better in life. So, I think, the very motion of our life is towards happiness.” ~Dalai Lama

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Wednesday, 22 June 2016

Why Do Smart Marketers Use Pinterest?

Why do Smart Marketers use Pinterest? … That is what I shall show you today in my video tutorial. Pinterest has become immensely popular over the last few years with browsers, researchers, shoppers and marketers. Google loves Pinterest, and so do the 70 million users… who use it as their own search engine for information on how to’s and products to buy… there is masses of information in the form of videos and images with lists which link back to informative websites, blogs, shops and tutorials. Any of your links to your Pins which include your keywords will be given

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Tuesday, 21 June 2016

The Ultimate Guide to Making Money From Ad Networks [PART 1]

We’ve set out to demystify the ad networks and tell exactly how and why they can help you earn money as a publisher. Before we get into the thick of it, it’s important to know what ad networks are and how they operate. You can read more about Ad Networks here in Part 2 What Are Ad Networks Online advertising networks are companies which specialize in connecting advertisers to online publishers. People who own and maintain web property such as sites, news outlets, or blogs and are willing to host advertisements on them. The principal function of an ad network

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Saturday, 18 June 2016

Raise The Bar Of Your Posts With Pictures

From the Editor, This is Alicia’s first published article on the PAC Community Blog! After many drafts we finally have a finished post. What’s important to note here is PAC helps new bloggers, as well as seasoned ones, to hone their blogging skills. Writing is a big one to master – if it ever is. It’s an ongoing skill that is constantly revisited and explored. PAC gives new bloggers, like Alicia, the opportunity to enhance their writing skills, experience as a blogger and what’s involved, and writing for the PAC Community Blog.  We all start somewhere and we only get

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Friday, 17 June 2016

Get A Coach – Be A Coach

Need to get a coach? Or trying to be a coach? It’s a funny question because it seems like if you need coaching, you’re not ready to be a coach, right? On the other hand, if you’re providing coaching to others, especially on a paid basis, you certainly must be way beyond needing a coach yourself, right? Well, both of those premises are not right… they’re wrong. I’m a coach. I help bloggers and internet marketers improve their businesses. I get paid to do this. At the same time, I don’t hesitate to get coaching when I need it. In

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Thursday, 16 June 2016

Staying Grounded in the Chaos of a Crazy World

Life tends to get pretty overwhelming at times to say the least. The world definitely isn’t getting any less crazy, and sometimes it feels hard to stay calm amidst all the chaos that surrounds us on a daily basis. While we can’t really shut ourselves off from reality, there are ways to stay grounded in this often crazy world. 4 Ways you Can Stay Grounded in a Crazy World 1. Practice Meditation We’ve all heard how good meditation is for us, and it is surely good at helping to keep us grounded. When we practice meditation regularly, it becomes almost

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Tuesday, 14 June 2016

The Ultimate Guide For Making Money With Ad Networks [PART 2]

Part 1 of “The Ultimate Guide To Making Money From Ad Networks” covered the basics of what an Ad Network is and how it operates. Specifically for a publisher looking to monetize from their own website’s traffic. In this chapter we’ll discuss all the different types of Networks so that you can decide which ones to apply for. Choosing an ad network can be a little tricky, especially if you’re just starting out. In the early years of online advertising networks distributed ads across a large number of publisher sites – what was important was that those ads were shown

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Impossible Is Not What It Seems – It’s Just A Word

impossible is no more than just a wordEveryone needs to have a dream. A dream that encourages them to work hard to achieve it. The problem we have is the limitations other people put on us or we put on ourselves and we won’t accept that impossible is just a word. Who has the right to say “you will never be like whoever” or that is “just a pipedream”? It’s your dream and only you have the right to go for it or to give up. The dream you have requires action, not limitations or criticism by people who don’t share your own vision. If everyone worked with limitations, there would never be a new world record, any gold medal would never be won and big business people with high influence would never exist.

Nearly everyone has big dreams and great aspirations based on our own passions and interests. Unfortunately, in so many cases, our dreams stay as just dreams. And our aspirations tend to “collect dust” like the excess stuff we put in our attics.

Impossible Is Just A Word, But We Consider It As More.

It’s a sad fact that instead of experiencing exciting adventures of achievement and working towards our goals, we all too often get mixed up living from day-to-day, barely existing.

Life could be so much better, if only we learned to aim higher.

A very common problem when setting goals is thinking of the word impossible. Many people get to thinking “I can’t do this. It’s too hard. No one can do this”. It’s impossible – until somebody does it and then comes the “I should have, could have, would have, but…” stage

If everyone thought about the word impossible in this way, there would be no invention, no innovation, and certainly no breakthroughs in human accomplishment.

Remember when scientists were baffled when they looked at the humble bumblebee. They said it was impossible for the bumblebee to fly “theoretically”. Nobody thought to tell the bumblebee this, so it carries on flying regardless of the “theory”.

There are those people who dream totally outrageous dreams and don’t take any action on them. This results in shattered dreams and aspirations.

Thinking of “impossible” as more than just a word will see you limiting yourself with self-doubt and self-limiting assumptions. You will never be able to break past this feeling of your goals being out of reach no matter what you do. If you don’t take action and plan your progress towards your goals and dreams, you could find yourself hanging on to the “impossible dream”.

I’m Possible Is A Better Way To Approach This.

Turn this “impossible” word into 2 separate words. I’m possible. When you see this in front of you instead of just the one word of “impossible”, you will see things in a totally different light,

A good exercise to do is this:

I\'m possible is better than impossibleTake a piece of paper and write down your ultimate dream or goal. Under one heading write down things you know you can do easily. Under another, write the things you are able to do with a little more effort. And under one more, list the things that that you once considered ‘impossible’, but are now just a little more difficult for you to do. Eliminate the word impossible from your thought process and get to work.

Look at all the headings and strive every day to accomplish the goals that are listed under ‘you know you can do easily’. As you accomplish them, move on to the next heading that you are able to achieve with a little more work.

Because you’ve now worked from easy to more difficult, AND achieved these goals, what do you think will happen when you take on the things you once thought were impossible, but listed as a little more difficult?

As you move gradually through this process, you will find the goals you once thought were impossible are not so hard after all! The “impossible” is indeed possible! You have proved that impossible is just a word!

The technique here isn’t to limit your imagination, it’s to aim high. Working towards that ultimate goal little by little. It will help to have a goal that is a realistic one though.

Those who just dream without working hard to achieve the dream and goals always end up disappointed and disillusioned.

My father told me about reading comics about men in space and landing on the moon when he was a lad. They used to laugh and say they would love to be the first man on the moon, never believing it would happen. Been there and done that.

If you had told people 100 years ago that you could send mail electronically from here to the other side of the world in a few seconds, they would not only wonder what electronically meant, but say you were out of your mind. Yet millions of emails are sent every day.

Thomas Edison once said that genius is 1% inspiration and 99% perspiration. Very true! To accomplish ones dreams, you need hard work and discipline. Remember that the 1% has to be a think-big dream, and not some easily accomplished one.

So dream on! Don’t let yourself get caught up with limitations. Think big and work hard to achieve those dreams. As you progress, you will realize that impossible is just a word and almost anything is possible when you focus and apply yourself.


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Monday, 13 June 2016

2 Tips To Build Your Authority Fast

Two Tips To Build Your Authority Fast. How important is it for you and your business to establish your authority? When I first started my online journey I wasn’t ready to put myself in front of everyone on Social Media. So I was hiding behind the grey image on Facebook (first photo). Then I upgraded to a Gerber Daisy – picture of a sugar flower that I made for one of my client’s cakes (upgrade image #1). It took me probably more than a year to change my profile picture to my real photo and meet all the people, all my

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Thursday, 9 June 2016

4 Illusions That Keep You Tied To The System

You don’t even have to look too hard to see that modern life is set around the attainment of things that are supposed to make us happy. The thing is, all these “things” that are supposed to bring us peace are nothing more than an illusion set forth by a larger “establishment” that has managed to control the way we feel by invading our minds with images and ideas of how things “should” be. We are conditioned to think certain ways, patterned to take on conformist views and tie our idea of happiness to someone else’s puppet show. We have

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Wednesday, 8 June 2016

PAC’s Infectious Mission: Have You Been Bit?

When ever there’s a “Mission” it usually stems from an idea. Somebody has a passion for a certain something or a desire to generate a movement. Never underestimate an idea (to read how the idea for PAC came about two years ago –  read this) As PAC thrives, it grows slowly. With growth comes a clearer vision for the future. Many people, perhaps you, don’t really understand what PAC is (Power Affiliate Club) which is why I’m sharing what is it, and the vision, with you. Recently I discovered a man by the name of Vishen Lakhani who is the creator of

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Tuesday, 7 June 2016

6 Broadcast Email Strategies That Convert

Here are 6 broadcast email strategies to use that Convert because connecting to people is tough but crucial in the sales business. Ask any salesperson and they will tell you that they can pin-point the exact moment when they make a sale. It’s when they penetrate the defensive walls people have built around themselves in order to become impervious to sales bullshit. Same applies to writing emails to your list. This is even more difficult as you have to thaw those icy walls without even being present at the scene! This is an art form that every affiliate marketer needs

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Monday, 6 June 2016

How To Do Blog Post Optimization 2016

There was a time when SEO was an “exact science”. When you learned how to do optimization in the past, you learned that you have to have keywords in your content all over the place. Then get as many links back to your content as possible, with the highest ranking having the most links. With all the new algorithms, SEO has in many ways become easier. It’s more about writing more naturally, so blog post optimizing and how to do it is not such an “exact” science. That being said, there are many opinions around on how to do this the

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Thursday, 2 June 2016

6 Tips For Building A Super Responsive List In 2016.

So you’ve made it across the first hurdle – you’ve managed to build a list for email marketing and now you are getting ready to…what, start counting the cash? Hold your horses. While list-building is an important first step in this entire process it’s definitely not a done deal that will magically turn into a money-making machine. Your lists or rather, potential customers on those lists, have to be ‘primed’ so to speak. There’s little worse than spending all that time building a subscriber base just to get no interactions, no love from your list. So what constitutes a good

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Wednesday, 1 June 2016

Personal Challenges for “I AM Excited About Today”

Personal challenges can begin when you hear the following words and tap in to how you feel. What do you feel when you read those words … “I AM Excited About Today”? You are probably reading them as if someone else has written them and may feel your heart lift with excitement and anticipation and think how lucky they are for their day and maybe even some hope looking at your day ahead! OK, so this post came about because I am working on a Challenge with my Community and part of the Training for this involves looking at a routine for ‘setting up’

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