Tuesday, 28 February 2017

What Is The Purpose Of Your Blog Post?

When you come up with a topic for your blog, do you stop to consider what is the purpose of your blog post? The idea may be good, and the topic interesting, but what do you hope to achieve by it? What is your post’s objective? Let’s look at some questions to ask before we start researching, put pen to paper, fingers to keyboard, or mouth to microphone. If you are selling products and services your ultimate purpose will be to attract readers to what you have to offer them.  If all you do is promote them, you will put

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Sunday, 26 February 2017

Check Out These Suggestions For Types Of Content

  Here are a few suggestions for types of content to use for your visual marketing endeavors. When you think of content, you may think written, visual, or audio-visual media: words, pictures, video, photos, podcasts, graphs, infographics, and charts. It can be persuasively argued that in a digital environment, tools count as content, too. As humans, we see everything in pictures. We live in a visual world and that’s why it’s important to use visual content in our marketing as much as possible. Simply – it works! Visual content is like a song; it will connect you to a message in

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Thursday, 23 February 2017

How a New Blogger Can Become Irrisistable

Irresistible? If you’re a new blogger reading this, you’re scratching your head thinking  – HOW could I possibly become a great blogger when I don’t know anything … Let’s see if we can’t change your perception of your current blogging skills (which may be little to none) to one of capability in becoming a great blogger. Blogging “Greatness” is a subjective state of mind and a phenomena determined by levels of internet popularity.  It takes time. However the journey to become a really good blogger requires regular commitment which can lead you to be outstanding. The Basics Before The Blogging

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Wednesday, 22 February 2017

Renaissance, Your Passport to a Lifestyle of Travel

Do you love to travel? Think Renaissance for a rich lifestyle of travel, Why? Read on … Here’s a travel membership club where you can fulfill your travel dreams and save over 90% on travel expenses. So, why choose Renaissance for ALL of your travel needs? First, What Is Renaissance? “Renaissance Lifestyle Passport” is a collection of over 5000 resorts who has been in business since 1986, and services over 77,000 club members who save up to 90% off their vacations.       How is Renaissance different? They DO NOT charge resorts to “advertise” to their 77,000 avid-traveling members. They

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Tuesday, 21 February 2017

SEO Algorithms Are Nothing To Panic About!

You may already know what it’s like when people talk about SEO algorithms. There has been plenty of activity and chat about what Google, in particular, does to try to prevent “manipulation” of the search results. This is why we now have Panda and Penguin. These are based on quality content (Panda) and the prevention of “content for the sake of it” and spammy backlinks (Penguin). Backlinks used to be the way Google ranked things. In other words, the site with the most links would be at the top. Of course, this led to poor results based on what people

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Sunday, 19 February 2017

Here’s What PAC Is Working On Now – The PAC “Bible” Ebook

The PAC Community is loaded with talent and expertise, so why not share our PAC Expert Author experiences with you in an ebook! It’s in the works now and will most likely be available in early April. This is our first book and we’re thinking of creating more  “PAC Knows .. ” ebooks. Because we get new community blog authors which means more talent to share … So keep a look out … coming soon to Amazon!                 PS –  Let us know what you think of this by adding a comment below

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Thursday, 16 February 2017

Expert Business Blog? Like to Find Out How To Have One?

What goes into making an expert business blog? Ownership, contribution, and a dedication to growing a business blog as a professional marketer, and just plain hard work. The definition of a professional is: “engaged in by persons receiving financial return” ~ Websters Dictionary So you probably know what a blog is, but in case you do not know.  A weblog or blog is an online type of journal,  in the form of text or articles written by the blog owner or by a guest blogger. The blog should also have photos or images, and videos that they share with their readers. To Be Successful A blogger

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Tuesday, 14 February 2017

PAC Member Spotlight on Elise Cohen Ho And An Exciting New Feature

At PAC we have over 200 members all of whom offer something unique and inspiring. Hi, I’m Dr. Elise Cohen Ho and in this exciting new feature I’ll be shining a spotlight on these wonderful members. From Magazine Publishers to Marketing Directors and Affiliate Marketers to Healthcare Practitioners we have it all and then some more! Here at PAC we are very excited about this new feature for all of our PAC members to learn about each other. If you are not yet a member you can join HERE. If you are a member and want to be featured, please, email Elise

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Are you using Adsense Matched content on your site?

So what exactly is Adsense Matched Content? Well it’s basically Googles version of related posts that is built into Adsense. The idea is to keep visitors on your pages longer, providing more clicks and increased site revenue. It also removes the requirement for webmasters to have a plugin installed to show related posts. If related posts is a theme feature then you can switch it off or keep it running, it’s really up to you. Simply add the matched content code to any page or post that you want the matched content to appear and hit save. Here is how

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Sunday, 12 February 2017

Writing For More Reader Interaction

interaction from your reader with better writingMost social media marketers aim for eyeballs, but it’s engagement and reader interaction that will drive high page rankings and more followers, for increased profits. Getting more interaction on your site, blog, and social profiles is the name of the game.

Content is said to be the “king” and yet not all content gets the right interaction you may be looking for. You need that reader interaction to grow your influence and get more followers and customers/prospects for your business.

What Is The Best Way To Get More Reader Interaction?

There are several ways to accomplish this through the content you write.

  1. Know your niche. Give people interested in your type of business the content they want. How do you know? Answer their frequently asked questions, comment on what they say, and hang out where they do. Offer advice, hints, and tips they will not only read, but share.
  2. Join the conversation. Web publishing allows your information to spread far and wide, but it should not be a one-way street. Join in conversations. Don’t be a lecturer. Comments, likes, shares on your part will encourage others to behave in the same way.
  3. Invite guests. Guests broaden the conversation and reduce the need for you to crank out more content. Inviting guest bloggers and encouraging contributions builds relationships with your existing followers but can also bring in new ones connected with your guest.
  4. Create surveys and polls. People love to be asked what they think. Create short surveys and polls to get information and encourage an atmosphere of interaction. You can also give them an incentive or little surprise thank-you gifts, such as special reports, handouts, cheat sheets, and other free information items that can also broaden out the conversation in relation to your niche.
  5. Create contests. Everyone loves a good contest. Make contests related to your niche and the free items you wish to give away, or products you wish to sell.
  6. Perk up their passions. Choose hot topics that are currently being discussed a lot or items in the news. Avoid being offensive or controversial, but do ask what they think.
  7. Use images strategically. A picture is often worth a thousand words. Use images to support your content and grab attention in a way that a headline might not. The image could also encourage comments and other forms of engagement.
  8. Use PowerPoint decks and videos. If a picture is worth a thousand words, a good deck or video could be worth tens of thousands of words. Post on prominent social sites and embed in your own site or blog. Consider including a transcript to post on the social site page and you will pick up traffic based on keywords. Turn on the comments section and see what people are saying. Engage in conversation with them as appropriate.
  9. Don’t skimp on tags. Think of tags as keywords that will drive traffic in a number of ways. The easiest these days is that users of social sites can click on a tag and see all of the latest information published in relation to that tag. Tagging is therefore one of the best ways to attract a niche audience, who will be the most interested in engaging with you.
  10. Create your own discussion board. If you have a website or blog, add your own discussion board where you can post in-house comments and threads that will encourage interaction. Q and A as well as FAQ formats work well in driving engagement.

What would happen if you focused on writing for more reader interaction, rather than more traffic? Try these suggestions and test out your theory. The results may surprise you!


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Friday, 10 February 2017

7 Ways to Build A Relationship With Your Audience

One of the most important lessons bloggers must learn is how to build a relationship with their audience. It’s all well and good to write great content and share it on your social media profiles, but if it doesn’t reach your readers on an emotional level all you’re really doing is taking up cyberspace. When you create a relationship with your audience, you are also building friendships, and even an online family. I’ve seen this happen in more than one community I’ve been a part of over the years. Here are a few ways to start building connections between you

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Wednesday, 8 February 2017

6 Great Questions That Will Help You Find Your Focus

the importance of finding your focusOne of the most important things you need to do when looking to start and work your own business is to find your focus. It’s very easy to feel overwhelmed and lose yourself in the amount of work there seems to need to get done.

If you’re feeling that there is a ton to do and you have no idea where to start, would you like to know that each step you take leads you in the right direction? Would you like to narrow your “to do” list down to a few key items and let go of the rest? Would you like to work smarter, not harder?

These six easy questions will help you do just that. Answering them will help you find your focus so you can do what you want to do and feel great about your life while you’re doing it.

Find Your Focus Today With These:

  1. What do I care about most? Or, where is my heart leading me?
    Only when you allow yourself to do what you care about most will you begin feeling better about your life.
    Asking this question will give your HEART a space to speak and be heard. When we get wrapped up in all the “stuff” we have to do we often overlook what our heart wants.
  2. What do I really, really want to do? Or, ask yourself “is this what I really want?”

    If the answer is “no”, ask yourself why you’re doing it and then find a way to stop doing it. So much life is wasted doing things we don’t want to do.
    Doing what you really want is a process of identifying and letting go of the things that you don’t want and replacing them with things that you do want. Over time you’ll rebalance your life to include MORE of what you want to do.
    This question will give your DREAMS an opportunity to come to life. This one question could set your life on a new course.

  1. How do I want to feel while I’m doing what I’m doing?

    If what you’re doing doesn’t give you pleasure while you’re doing it, you may be on the wrong track. Why? Because “doing” takes up much more time then the result. The result happens once. We reach each goal only once and then it’s over. The journey to our goals is what fills our life with experiences. If you’re not feeling good during the “doing” (aka – the journey) is it really worth it?
    This question allows your SPIRIT to come alive – to be experienced. Give yourself permission to do things that feel good and you’ll live an inspired life.

  1. What is the “for sake of what” behind what I’m doing?

    lots to do? Find your focus and get it doneAnother way to word this question would be, “In the big picture of my life what purpose does this action serve?” If the answer isn’t clear you may be letting life lead you.
    This question helps you CONNECT THE DOTS and make better choices for your life. Basing your actions on a clear purpose puts you in the driver’s seat which means you are LEADING your life instead of letting it lead you.

  1. What am I going to do?

    Make a list of all the things you care about and all the things you really want to do and prioritise them with a “1-2-3” approach. Rank your list in order of importance.
    Of course, we make choices (decisions) about what we’re going to do all day long BUT how often do we make choices after asking questions 1-4? Answering the above questions FIRST will give you the opportunity to bring more of what you really want into your life.
    This question requires a CHOICE be made. Now you’ve narrowed your focus!

  1. How am I going to do it?

    After narrowing your focus create a mini action plan for each item. Write down the steps you’ll need to take to make it happen.

    Tip: only focus on 1 or 2 things at a time (ex: over the period of 1 month). Don’t try to do everything at once. That will just lead to overwhelm. Give yourself a chance to worker smarter and you will get more done.
    This question will inspire you to TAKE ACTION. Nothing happens without it. In order to create the life you want you have to give your dreams, heart and spirit a voice and space in your life. However, this alone won’t make things happen. You must channel all these things into a clear course of action.

Instead of jumping into your “to do” list, take some time to reflect upon these questions. By doing so you’ll put yourself on a life and/or business path that reflects more of what you really want. Determine and find your FOCUS first and you’ll live a fuller, richer life.


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Monday, 6 February 2017

9 Ways To Find Strength To Get Up After Hitting Rock Bottom

Editor’s Note: PAC welcomes Guest Writer Taiwo Emayosanlomo Is it possible to find strength to get up after hitting rock bottom? You don’t need to worry about the possibility, because that is what this post is all about. Life does not have any sieve with which it allows some people to go through tough times and allow others to have a smooth ride. Life is not a respecter of anybody. We are bound to experience one challenge or the other for as long as we are in this world. That you are going to be confronted with difficulty is not

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Friday, 3 February 2017

25 Marketing Mistakes To AVOID On Pinterest

We don’t always get it right, so I’m turning things around a bit in this blog post with 25 Marketing Mistakes To AVOID On Pinterest! And, giving you an overview of ‘what not to do’s’ or mistakes which you could be making on Pinterest, without even knowing it. It can be refreshing to scroll down a list like this, as a checklist to see how it compares to what you actually do in practice, and just pick out the points you need to adjust. I have sectioned it up to make it easier to focus on a particular area at one time: Pinterest

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Wednesday, 1 February 2017

4 Crazy Things You did not Know About Your Limiting Beliefs

You have got a pattern that you flow with every single day which is so unique to you. It’s developed in your subconscious mind by your experiences, but what if this pattern suddenly goes crazy and becomes your greatest enemy. What if you knew that the thoughts which you have formed in your subconscious mind become the building blocks to your reality? What if you knew that the limiting beliefs that you have harnessed in your thoughts are the pillars that hold on to your dreams.? They cause a ripple effect in your world. Here are 4 Crazy Things You did not Know About

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