Sunday, 21 February 2016

What Is The True Meaning Of Abundance?

what is your meaning of abundanceWhen we talk of the meaning of abundance, it can have so many connotations. There are those who think being abundant is having lots of money. Abundance to me is much more than that. You can be abundant in love, abundant in life’s blessings as well as abundant with material things.

Being abundant is all about being happy with who you are too. Many of us crave more riches, but riches bring their own levels of stress and pressure. Being abundant in more than money is vital for our well being in my opinion. Why? Because the feeling of abundance MATTERS!

Abundance Means More

Of course abundance means more, but more of what exactly? Life’s treasure is love. When you’re abundant in love, you have a “warm” feeling that is hard to describe. Having that feeling brings more to you because you get “in the zone” and more likely to receive it. When you GIVE that same feeling out you will get more back. It’s just the way it works. When you give love to a pet like a dog or a cat, they give you love back by the bucketful don’t they?

These feelings can be transformed into our business life too. Loving what you do can be seen as an extension of that feeling of having what you want. Of course, the business doesn’t fulfil every need until it becomes successful, and that is your job. Answer me this – do you feel it easier to motivate yourself to take inspired action when you feel good, or when you’re under pressure?

I know when I take my best forms of action.

Receiving Abundance Into Your Life

It’s my belief that you must be prepared to accept that abundance comes in many forms. When you do this, you are more inclined to be able to receive more. If you believe that abundance is having more money, that’s fine, but to receive you must be in a place where you are feeling abundant enough to give something away.

It doesn’t have be a lot, but a little here and there will mean you feel as though you have more than enough. It can be giving a little larger tip, putting a little more into the collection tins for charity. You could, as we do in the UK, give some of your older clothing to the local charity shops to help them in their efforts to build funds. In all these ways you can be seen to be helping someone who has a need that may be greater than your own.

With the news seemingly being full of messages of killing, hatred and violence, there is so much to be said for the abundance of love. Love as they say conquers all. People all over the world give love. In fact, it’s the vast majority of receive abundance of fear or happinesspeople who do this. It’s the distinct minority who preach hatred and cause the news to be full of the debilitating series of events all over the world. It is much easier to receive hatred if you program yourself to react to it. By giving of more love, you receive the abundance of that magical feeling more and more.

Being happy in your own skin is important. Your life, your business will benefit from it. Having abundance of anything and accepting it into your life helps with all of this. This happiness will help you to be more productive and ready to receive the abundance you deserve. The way to be successful is to take massive action doing what you’re happy with.

Coming from a place of fear or stress, which you can also be abundant in, will jeopardize your progress. Be prepared to receive good things because you give out good things and your happiness flourishes, take the fear and stress route and it dies, making you miserable.

Make your choice based on what you take as the meaning of abundance. Are you going to accept happiness and drive on from there, or are you going to have the opinion that is “woo woo” and perhaps remain in the state of fear or stress you already find yourself in?

To the future

Barrie Evans

Check out what Wikipedia has to say about abundance.

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Saturday, 20 February 2016

Secrets To Effective Capture Page

Secrets To Effective Capture Page When I think about it, there is a certain way of doing probably everything in life. When you build a house, you follow a blueprint. When you bake a cake, you are following a recipe. And when it comes to Capture Pages we have to follow the Secrets To Effective Capture Page if you want this Capture Page to work for you 100%. If you are reading this and you, have no idea what is a Capture Page. It is a one-page website with an offer (hook) and a form for people to put their

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Thursday, 18 February 2016

10 Reasons Why Free Digital Giveaways Lead to Sales

If you spend time and effort creating a quality e-book or other digital product why should you offer it as a free giveaway? Wouldn’t it be better to sell it instead? Here I talk about what makes a free offer attractive, and why giveaways are an excellent marketing method.This applies even if you’ve already successfully sold products before. 10 Advantages of Quality Free Giveaways If your giveaway is of quality you attract repeat visitors. You’re discovered by a wider audience who are also likely to come back. You can establish a relationship with readers by asking for their email addresses

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#NewWayToWork Featuring Krishna De

from Social Media Today

#NewWayToWork Featuring Ian Calvert

from Social Media Today

#NewWayToWork Featuring Gloria Lombardi

from Social Media Today

#NewWayToWork Featuring Lisa Briercliffe

from Social Media Today

#NewWayToWork Featuring Lee Bryant

from Social Media Today

#NewWayToWork Featuring Lilach Bullock

from Social Media Today

Tuesday, 16 February 2016

Monday, 15 February 2016

Facebook Fan Page Love

Valentines Day and the  Facebook Love Challenge have gone  away again for another year. I have a question for you though… Do you Love Your Facebook  Fan Pages ? Recently PAC (Power Affiliate Club) did a weekly Challenge for our Facebook members’ Fan Pages. I have the results of my campaign here for you…..Click here to go to my results Research on Facebook FanPages Customers from every business imaginable are on Facebook, and yes they use Fan pages for their businesses. At the start of 2016, Facebook had 1.59 billion active users per month. It’s grown ever bigger since then. It’s the place to

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Sunday, 14 February 2016

You Must Dance Like Nobody Is Watching In Business.

sing and dance like nobody is watchingAre you prepared to “dance like nobody is watching” to achieve your dreams and goals?

It’s far too easy to get “bogged down” with things and distracted when you have your own business. There is also the tendency, especially with online business things, to assume that something “doesn’t work”. Instead of just getting on with the job and finding out by taking action, the assumption is enough to stop the person from doing what is necessary.

It’s what you do when nobody is looking that matters. You MUST hold yourself accountable because there is nobody else there to hold you accountable.

Employers Expect The Dance Like Nobody Is Watching Approach.

Why do you think employers are so demanding of their employees? Is it because they are driven to make somebody miserable, or is it because they have their OWN dreams and goals to be met? When you work for someone else, it’s THEIR dream you’re building. This is why so many people are unhappy in their job. They don’t see a way to have a dream lifestyle.

Employers expect you as the employee to get your tasks done. They want to see results. Sometimes you have to do this on your own, but do you need to be watched to achieve it? Or do you do it anyway because you don’t want to be watched all the way.

In your own business, it’s YOU who are the employee. What is it that drives you to do your business? As the employer, you should expect the same from yourself as you do from anyone else. What do you do to make sure the tasks are done without getting distracted? It’s all a case of what you want and WHY you want it!

I have been as guilty as anyone else who has done this. I have been on training where I was shown a great tactic that needed to be implemented. I got distracted from the task by something that was not as important and yet went off to do that FIRST! What then happened? The task didn’t get done or it was too late to take advantage of the situation at hand. It’s best to go out and IMPLEMENT the strategy as soon as you can WITHOUT getting distracted and see what it can do for you. If it works, then great! You have cracked it and you can rinse and repeat.

What you do when nobody is lookingThen there is the person who doesn’t do the task because it’s their belief that it doesn’t work! When somebody shows you something that works for them, DO IT! You may have tried something before that was similar, but there must have been something that you missed to make it work. NEVER assume anything. If the person who did the training is approachable, ask them to make sure you have got it. Those who say something doesn’t work, when another person (or persons) who were on the same training went out and got results, must have got something wrong.

None of us are perfect. Everyone makes mistakes. People who are willing to try and try again UNTIL they are successful are the ones who are prepared to do whatever it takes without being observed. They are responsible for their own actions and are accountable to only themselves. Results come from actions, so when a leader trains you, even if you’ve tried what you believe to be the same thing, go out and do it again. This time making sure you have the strategy right!

When you are prepared to do the work when no one else is looking it will be just like the quote in the image. You WILL be singing like nobody is listening, you will dance like nobody is watching and you will have a great business and a great life. It’s time to rock guys, so go rock this joint!

To the future,

Barrie Evans

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Wednesday, 10 February 2016

Has Twitter Caught The Facebook Algorithm Bug?

Twitter is basically a fast turn around media news room, the place to get the most immediate news on current events and to influence how news stories grow and develop. But with Twitters quest to improve it’s bottom line is this social media giant in danger of catching the Facebook bug. This question arises because this week just gone Twitter started implementing Facebook-style changes so much so that the tag #RIPTwitter has been trending on the platform. These Facebook style algorithm changes are designed to manipulate what you see in your feed and bump up what they see as the most popular

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Monday, 8 February 2016

Ranking Using The Broken Backlink Method

Any “broken” backlink that comes from authority sites you come across in your niche can prove to be very valuable. This one tactic can help you to rank because of the relevance of those sites that link to your site. So, how can you take advantage of this backlinking method? How The Broken Backlinking System Works When you surf the internet browsing for sites to get some inspiration from, or simply just looking for relevant sites to get a link to your site from, you can look to see if you can take advantage of a broken link to reach

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Why Google Rewards Re-Publishing - Whiteboard Friday

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Sunday, 7 February 2016

Networking Know How – First Steps

Referring to a great article by our very own Lesly Federici ‘Reaching out is Number One,’ I am inspired to begin a little series about the basics of Networking. The real ‘How To’ guide that might help you as it has helped me. Yes, reaching out is always the first step in networking, but what do we say? How do we know what to say? Especially to virtual strangers once our warm market has all but dried up. We cannot pretend to know someone as this will not be welcomed. And getting to know someone takes time. We all research

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Is It Possible To Care TOO Much?

Why is you care so muchI don’t know how long this post will be. I usually plan and look at everything first and then let the words flow after. This subject came to me after reading a letter and if it’s short, the message will be, I hope, a strong one. If it flows, then it will be hopefully even better!

I have always tried to listen to people and help with whatever I can. I have had people tell me I care TOO much. Moreso when it comes to business. I know the value of what I know and yet I still want to give more than I take.

Thing is, I look at the “professional” career people like lawyers, doctors and the like and ask “why do these people get paid SO much”? Of course, it’s because of what they know and how they can help you. Also, it’s generally because they have a “value” to the general public. People who are moving house need a lawyer to do all the legal bits of the house purchase. People who are sick need the doctor and they help to heal the sickness. What we don’t see is just how hard these people work.

Take the “other end” of the scale. Let’s look at the expertise of an electrician, because this is something I know. Very often, the perception of “value” is seen by what people believe they can do themselves. The best value offered by an electrician is his expertise to keep you safe from electric shock. He can stop you being killed! The doctor can stop you from dying of the illness you have if they have the medication or treatment available to do that. What is the difference? In my mind, NOTHING AT ALL!

People don’t try to do the work of a doctor to cure their illness. It’s normal for them to visit the surgery, see the relevant professional and get their treatment administered in the correct way. People WILL try to do electrical work because “it’s not that hard”, which undermines the value of the trained professional in that area of expertise. What happens then? The people will not pay the same for the electrician to prevent death by misadventure caused by the work done, but they will pay for the services of what is regarded as a “professional” service.

Where am I going with this and how is it connected with caring too much? I’m getting to it so don’t worry.

Caring Too Much Is A Good Thing!

How Can you care too muchEducation plays a part in everything. Perception of the value of the education and the service provided at the end of it is another factor. People in general are not happy with their “lot”. They want MORE! How many times have you seen things on Social Media stating how much money people are making? How true is this? I doubt that all of it is true. There are some people making money, sure, but there are so many things based on GREED in my mind. There is a perception that EVERYONE is chasing the money.

This is not true!

I have been fortunate enough to have had mentors who are still around for me. I won’t ever give up and they show dedication to my cause, which is what they would do even if they have not “earned” from me. These are the ones who are GENUINE. They don’t “chase” anything! They CARE about those who keep trying!

This is how I try to live my life.

Of course, I have come across people who do chase after the sale or the sign up. If they don’t get it, they rush off to the next person and you never see them again! The ones who care engage with you. They ask questions and find out what you need and try to help you. They come back to find out how you are. Because of this, they are asked why they don’t charge more for their courses or their mentoring. Because they care, they want to see people having the success they are having. They DON’T “chase” the sale. They are around for years and years and they don’t go away.

These are the people who are said to care TOO much, but they are still around and the “money grabbers” are gone forever. I know which I would rather be. What about you?

To the future,

Barrie Evans

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Friday, 5 February 2016

Google Hangouts For Affiliate Marketers

Google Hangouts For Affiliate Marketers is a case study of how I used Google Hangouts On Air to affiliate Ecom Subscription Pro. I’d like to show you what I did, and the results I’m getting as of this writing. The first thing I’d like to make clear is the difference between some different video formats that affiliate marketers often use. YouTube Videos Google Hangouts Google Hangouts On Air I use YouTube Videos, and I’ll show you how I used one in this case study. I almost never use Google Hangouts.  It’s not a platform I’ve found to give me any leverage

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Wednesday, 3 February 2016

#1 How To Cultivate The Know, Like and Trust Factor

When you last joined or bought from a company, did you do it by just randomly clicking a link and joining, or did you Know Like and Trust them? You may be selling Products, Services, Coaching, Affiliate marketing or Sponsoring people into a business but your aim is still to turn All those people out there in the market place into Your Customers… But How? As you see from my image You are at the centre of your business and everyone else is out there in the world, being bombarded with advertising and marketing of products and services by post,

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Using Social Media as Your Primary Link Building Tactic Probably Won't Work - Whiteboard Friday

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Tuesday, 2 February 2016

Love Your Fan page Challenge

Do You Love Your Fan Page or Business Page? Well I do not! I used to!…. How come? How many active users on Facebook? As of today’s date: Feb 1st 2016 651,835,100 million active users on Facebook. Taken from   I have been up and down with Facebook stats. Now very much down… Is your organic reach declining? Even though there has been a decline in organic reach, your page can still help you be discovered, build relationships with your audience, and have a free online presence that’s automatically optimized across web, mobile phones & tablets. Why is this

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