Friday, 30 December 2016

7 Ways To Further Your Business Brand in 2017

  7 Ways To Further Your Business Brand in 2017 “Your Business Brand has the exciting potential of being the operating principle for everything your organization every does” – Ted Matthews 1.Your website is a communication platform where your branding matters. A branded blog means it is distinctive. It stands out in both the look of it, as well as the content and how it affects your reader. If you have a custom theme for your blog, it gives a unique look or identity to it. Simply, your Business Brand is your promise to your customer, informing them what they

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Friday, 23 December 2016

50 Social Christmas Jokes You Can Share

You all know those corny Christmas Jokes that you find inside your Christmas crackers … Well, here is my compilation for you to amuse your friends and family. Be prepared for some groans as well as some giggles! A festive way to share these is to print them off, cut them into strips, then use them to share at your gatherings… kids love them! So, here we go…   🎅🏽 Q ~ What do Elves use to make their Christmas Cake? A ~ Elf-raising flour!   🎅🏽  Q – Why don’t Polar Bears eat penguins? A – Because they can’t get the

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Saturday, 17 December 2016

Four Guaranteed Ways to Increase Your New Site Traffic

  Editor’s note: PAC welcomes Guest Author Hussain Omar Once your website is up, the next think you will think about is traffic, right? Of course you will not think of ” organic” traffic in the first couple of months as most of the new sites will be caught in Google sandbox for a while before they get some authority to attract search engines. So, what are the other options you are left with? You can go for the social route, but that will assume that you already have some fans, and connected with some influencers which is usually not

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Friday, 16 December 2016

Building A Personal Foundation That Lasts

It’s that time of year when we begin thinking of a fresh round of goals, New Year Resolutions, and business plans. For all of the planning we do at the end of the year, have you ever thought about the health of your personal foundation? The easiest way to explain a personal foundation is to compare it to the foundation of your home. Just as your home needs a sturdy foundation to support the structure, you need a solid foundation to support your life. Personal foundations will naturally vary depending on your circumstances. But they will always include core values,

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Tuesday, 13 December 2016

What Christmas Can Teach Us About Blogging

It’s Christmas Day, presents are bought and wrapped, and the tree is glistening with cheer. Food is prepared and its scent fills the air. “It’s the most wonderful time of the year” Isn’t it? Christmas Day might be wonderful but the preparation hard work. No different from when you’ve finally published a killer post. I’ve considered escaping to a warm, relaxing Pacific Island this year. Fiji, Bali, Hawaii all appeal. My children wouldn’t approve, because our family traditions are now well entrenched. Memories of our car breaking down in the middle of a 450 mile trip from Sydney to Melbourne

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Thursday, 8 December 2016

The Holidays Should Focus On Gratitude

The Holidays Are Here Once Again The holidays are a time to reconnect to the really important things in life. The holidays have a way of having us reminisce about holidays past. If the holidays include you shopping for gifts for others, then you are thinking of ways to make the recipients happy. You want to make sure they know that you appreciate them and what they do for you all throughout the year. Lessons From Holidays Past I have noticed that as we mature, we look upon the holidays much differently than when we were children. As an only

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Friday, 2 December 2016

Why You Are A Hero And The World Needs You

Heroes are the ones that have a winning catch and are so brave that they do the unthinkable. Which is why it’s not surprising that you don’t consider yourself a hero. So you don’t have the awesome powers that can make you be the “Man of Steel”. You  have not bagged as many awards as the most brilliant General. You have come to see yourself as an ordinary man, one who isn’t worth praise . What have you done to deserve such an adoration? After all, heroes are the men and women that you read in stories and they don’t usually walk

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Tuesday, 29 November 2016

PAC Testimonial Time For 2016

It’s PAC Testimonial Time! Wow.. did this year go fast or what! I know, we all say this at the end of a year. But now it’s time to look back and forward to the potential of a new year,right? PAC will be moving into it’s forth year online mid 2017! With just a few weeks left of 2016, we thought having an opportunity for our members and readers to post their thoughts about PAC would be a nice way to close out this year. We know we’ve helped a lot of people with their blogs, writing skills, and enhancing

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Monday, 28 November 2016

How To Use The Law Of Attraction To Your Benefit

How Can You Use & Benefit From The Law of Attraction in Your Business  If you’ve never used the Law of Attraction (LoA) before, you might wonder what it is, why so many people believe it is true, and how you can use it to your benefit. What Is The Law of Attraction? The Law of Attraction states that things that are alike will attract each other. That is, if I think positively and I concentrate on positive outcomes, then my thoughts will actually attract those positive outcomes into my life. The Law of Attraction recommends very specific ways in

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Friday, 25 November 2016

Wonderful Online Affiliate Programs For The Holidays

It’s early for online affiliate programs, but your competitors already have snow, Santa, and holiday shopping  income on their minds. Time to start your affiliate advertising for the holidays! The Internet industry has been around for a while now, affiliate  programs are  very popular business models for generating income online. It allows you to get products together quickly for your online business  and cheaply. As an example. If you’re looking to increase your holiday sales do keep these shopping holidays following the US Thanksgiving Day in mind. I have a RECOMMENDATIONS  page on my site for upcoming specials on various products that I am an affiliate

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Wednesday, 23 November 2016

Blend In Or Shine All The Way

  Blend In Or Shine All The Way Every beginning is challenging, no matter what you are starting you will have to face some challenges. There will be a learning curve, which will take you from point A to point B. Knowing that there is no shortcut to success, it’s in your best interest to keep your eye on the prize and never lose your faith. You know yourself best, better than anyone else. You know that if you want something and you put your mind into it, you will do it without even considering the obstacles. I have been

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Monday, 21 November 2016

Should you join Niume the new social media blogging site?

Niume is a very curious social media start-up aimed primarily at bloggers to help them get noticed. The question is what value does Niume offer bloggers and are bloggers really the targeted audience?   Niume is another new social site that rewards its members for joining and using the platform. I’m all in favor of social sites that reward and give back to their members. As you probably know I was a big fan of the failed social site Tsu and I’m now an even bigger fan now of The8App. Any site that is looking to change how we use social media and help steer

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Sunday, 20 November 2016

Why Is Budgeting Important for the Entrepreneur?

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budgeting is important in businessI’ve had many to inquire of why budgeting is so important for the entrepreneur? I’ve especially seen these inquiries from solopreneurs or small businesses of one or two people. Let me just say first that having a budget is one of the key components to a successful business no matter the size. How do you know where you’re going, if you don’t have a plan for getting there? How do you know how well your business is progressing or not if you don’t have something to measure your performance against?

Why Budgeting Is So Important

Simply put, a budget is a financial plan and helps you to manage the future income and expenses of your business. It reflects the goals & objectives of your business combined with how you believe your resources will be used. However, it doesn’t stop there, a budget serves as the roadmap for your business. It aids in providing a compass for making important business decisions in a more efficient manner to ensure that your business is heading in the right direction. A budget also empowers you to think more about the future and anticipate what could possibly happen in your business, which in turn makes for effective management.

Here are other reasons why I believe budgeting is important to the success of any business:

  1. Provides insight into your business and sheds light on if your business is financially on the right path.
  2. Creates a performance measurement mechanism in which you are able to understand what your business is doing compared to what you thought or planned.
  3. A budget shows that you are a serious entrepreneur which makes your business attractive to potential investors and is a critical component in getting funding from a bank.
  4. Acts as a management tool for running your business on a daily basis.
  5. You are able to make adjustments early once you realize that your business may not be reaching its planned goals.
  6. Due to a budget being a forward thinking document, it serves as a planning tool for future growth.
  7. Produces discipline in that as an entrepreneur you are more aware of your expenditures and more careful to manage costs in order to ensure that you reach your established goals.

I thought this valuable to share because budgeting is important for any entrepreneur in their business.

Attraction Marketing System

Source by Antonina Geer

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Friday, 18 November 2016

What Do You Blog About?

What Do You Blog About? How do you come up with ideas for what to blog about? How many different topics do you blog about? I know, you probably have a specific niche and topic that sets the tone for your blog. But within the scope of that niche and topic, how many different things do you really blog about. What category should you put your next blog post in? You organize your blog into categories, right? There’s a reason for that. It helps you develop blog posts for each of the main categories that define your blog, right? But

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Thursday, 17 November 2016

Changing Habits To Improve Your Personal Life

Changing habits helps us to improve lifeHabits, oh those nasty habits. Changing habits is not easy, but to improve your personal life and possibly your business life, you need to eradicate those bad habits.

Habits are developed from training, influences, observation, and practice. We develop many habits throughout our life, which some are good and others are bad. Good habits we can keep, but if one wants to improve their life the bad habits have to take a hike. Getting rid of bad habits is not easy, especially if an addiction is involved. For this reason, we can take a few steps to learning how you can change your habits.

Changing Habits Is Harder When Making Excuses

How many people do you know who go through life making excuses?

Anytime these people see something complicated, they will often make excuses why they cannot deal with the problem. “This is just the way I am.” This is a common problem in the world, which we’ve all heard billions of times. If you are out to improve your life however, you need to say, “This is something that hinders me from achievement and I have the power to change it.”

The first key to success is stop making excuses. Learn how to tell the truth. The truth is the only answer that leads you to improve your personal life. Once you learn to tell the truth, you will need to commit self to learning and developing new habits.

Start by choosing a new habit and being committed to it. Today I plan to drink more water. Some don’t like water, yet water is our way of living healthier. Instead of “not liking” something that will save your life, start saying “today I will drink more water”. Even if you start out drinking a glass for the first couple of days, you are making changes.

“Today I am going to stop judging others and myself”. This is a common mistake people make in the world. They spend time judging others and themselves. This gets them nowhere but in a world of chaos. You make your bed, you must learn to sleep in it, which is why you should change your ways. Judging is only for our Master in the sky.

Negative Thinking Doesn’t Help In Changing Habits

Do you think negative? I can’t change this. My life is full of nonsense, I can’t swing it anymore. Why me? Who put a tag on my head, saying persecute me. If you spend your life thinking negative and improve your life by making habit changessaying negative things, try changing your ways today. For instance, say, I can change something and I am going to. Instead of saying life is full of nonsense; accept it as truth yet move ahead to make your life better. “Why me” is a common question, which no one knows why, yet we have to accept it, make better decisions and move ahead. If you feel persecuted, ask yourself what you’re doing that makes you feel this way. Do you have friends or family members weighing you down? If so, then tell them to “but out” and go make new friends. No one in life is worth you constantly suffering this negativity. You have the power to make changes, but you don’t have the power to change other people.

When you start to make changes to improve your life, start small. Instead of rushing into everything, take baby steps to success. Too many times people try changing habits overnight, which leads to frustration.

When you are working to change your life and habits make sure you seek support and feedback. You do not have to walk the road to success alone. Feedback is found at your library, the Internet, at colleges, and so on. You will find support inside these channels too. Ask someone you trust to support you and give you feedback when you need it. Changing habits takes a little time, so work patiently and consistently and see the benefit of those changes improve your life.


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Thursday, 10 November 2016

Automated Social Syndication Using Syndwire

Syndication is a very important part of the SEO process. If you can automate social syndication through web 2.0 properties that have high authority, this way to build authority into your site. When you have that authority in the eyes of Google and the major search engines, it is generally easier to rank. In this post I am going to review a system that I have been using for a month or so now. This particular system is called Syndwire. Syndwire is the creation of Joe Troyer and it was created to take on Only Wire. Many of you will

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Thursday, 3 November 2016

Use Discipline To Keep Your Goals In Sight

Discipline is required. Don’t dismiss the importance of your daily internal dialogue. Discipline in your daily thoughts and actions is required in order to reach your goals. Thoughts are very powerful things. I always taught my children that, “Thoughts lead to actions and actions speak louder than words.” If you also believe this to be true, then it follows that if we want to reach our goals, our very big goals, let’s start with the end in mind. Start by closing your eyes and envisioning these big goals. Think of being on a sailboat, sailing on a calm blue sea.

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Wednesday, 2 November 2016

The BillionCoin has arrived You should read this!

Unless you’ve been hiding under a rock recently you might not have heard of TheBillionCoin (TBC). Just in case you didn’t know it’s a crypto currency. Some argue that is not actually a crypto currency. The point they make is that is is not part of the Bit Coin infrastructure, When, In fact every transaction is processed through the bitcoin infrastructure. Let me explain what it TheBillionCoin is: TBC is a community based P2P (person 2 person) coin (not token). Which you buy from other members who belong to TheBillionCoin and you buy/sell in the same way using the the

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Tuesday, 1 November 2016

6 Steps to Avoid Getting Sidetracked

Imagine you are on a roll, making real progress on a task or project. All of a sudden, the phone rings, an e-mail alarm goes off, a colleague asks for a favor, your mother-in-law drops by on the “spur of the moment,” you’re called to school to pick up a sick child, etc. Uh oh, sidetracked again! It is estimated that the average adult is interrupted 73 times per day – and that’s just at work. Add family, friends, and children to the mix and you can easily double that number. It may seem obvious that interruptions will increase the

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Monday, 31 October 2016

Making a Difference: Why You Just have to Go all Out

What if you burned all sources of retreat just to make a difference. A great warrior faced a situation which made it necessary for him to make a decision that ensured success on the battlefield. He was about to send his army to a powerful foe whose men outnumbered his own. So he loaded his soldiers into boats sailed to the enemy’s country, unloaded soldiers and equipment; then gave the order to burn down the ships which had carried them. Before their first battle, the great warrior said to his men ” You see these boats going in smoke. That means that

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Saturday, 29 October 2016

Networking In An Effective Way

networking in an effective way is smartIt has been said that networking with strangers can be seen as wasting your time. Effective networking is all about building relationships so start slowly and work up. Why? A friend of mine was complaining, “I’m doing 2-3 networking events a week – and I’m worn out.” I then asked why they felt doing so much networking was important and they replied, “One of my marketing goals is to do at least 1 networking event a week.” I then told them that their goal was just 1 each week, so why do more than that? The point is to build business relationships and gain trust. This means less is better, rather than the “do as much networking as you can” belief of many.

The Effective Networking Myths And Truths

Myth 1: The more you network, the more effective your networking activity becomes.

Truth 1: It’s a lot more important to be well-known in 1-2 rather than several more groups. You can be spreading yourself “too thin” and building relationships is a hard task in this case. Don’t forget that networking is all about building relationships with people. This is why you get more from LESS! It’s easier to form relationships with people you see regularly.

I asked my friend how the networking was going. “I don’t think I have had any business out of it for at least the last six months” was the reply. They then went on “but everyone knows that you build a business by networking!” Is it REALLY serving a purpose with NO business is at least six months? I doubt it!

Let’s look at a typical networking example and see if it resonates with you:

You meet someone new and you introduce yourself and ask what they do (30 seconds). They answer you by muttering something about law as you’re checking them out. They ask you what you do, and you tell them. Because neither of you are at all interested in the activities of the other, you stare blankly at each other for a few seconds before stating you need a “refill”.

Myth 2: The cocktails and “nibbles” circuit is the way to network to success

effective networking is not about cocktails and nibblesTruth 2: Networking with total strangers to build business is as effective as going to a bar to get married. How likely is that to happen – not very!

Effective Networking Takes More Time!

You’re not going to meet a business “soul mate” at your first networking event and here’s why:

  1. Would you do business with someone after meeting them for the first time and getting handed a poorly printed card. You only spoke to them for a minute or two, so why would you do business with that person?
  2. Business is built on relationships and not a few well spoken words, no matter how effective they are.
  3. Many of us have problems in explaining what we do, especially when inexperienced in this type of event. Then there’s the added skill of actually listening for what prospects need.
  4. Networking with strangers is not as targeted or specific as you want. In fact, it can be completely random. In many cases, networking is as effective as cold calling, which is among the least effective marketing tools there is.

Is networking, therefore, a waste of time? Absolutely not!

Effective Networking Requires A Smarter Approach

Here are a few pointers for you to think about:

  • You can network effectively over coffee or lunch with people one on one. Get to know them and their business. They may become a prospect, alliance partner, or referral source. But aim first and foremost to build trust and a business relationship. The rest will follow naturally.
  • If you prefer to network with strangers, make sure to go with the goal of making 2-3 lunch or coffee appointments with people you find interesting.
  • You can ask every happy customer you have (because they are all happy, right?) for a referral. Ideally someone interested in your goods or services. You can call and use the referrer’s name like this:
    “Hi I’m Joe from (company name) and George said I should call. Isn’t George a great guy?”) You already have one thing in common – George!
  • Write out a list of businesses or people you want to network with who fit into your target market. If you sell software, you may want to meet IT managers at medium-size companies. Compile this list and put it in your little black book or PDA. Focus your attention on reaching out to only those people – or people who can refer you to somebody in that field.
  • Join groups outside of your business and spend time doing non-business activities. These can be in civic, social, religious, recreational, musical, athletic groups – the list is endless! Build relationships with people in your particular group. A person in your group may be looking for a rewire for their house and you’re an electrician. Being the only electrician in the group, you’re introduced to the person in question. You get the job and the client is delighted! Do you think you can build up a reputation quickly this way? You bet you can!
  • So you go to a “standard” networking event with your target in mind. Your goal might be “to meet three people on my target list, so get their business card so I can follow up for breakfast, lunch, coffee or a round of golf.” A traditional “networking event” now becomes simply the first phase of your overall strategy, not an end in itself.

Effective Networking Is Done With People Who Know You, Like You, Or Have Done Business With You.

effective networking builds trustMyth 3: Networking is about getting more people to know what you do.

Truth 3: Networking is about getting people who already know you to share opportunities where you can be helpful to each other.

You can make 2-3 phone calls a day to connect with people from past jobs, former clients, or influential people who have expressed interest in you and your service in the past.

We all have a “fan base” that we don’t take advantage of.

Get in touch with friends, colleagues, mentors, and family to mine the connections you already have at your fingertips.

Get out there and start the process of effective networking. Make it worth your investment of time and energy by networking the smart way.


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Time-Saving Social Media Tools

Posting on social media takes time and effort but there are plenty of time-saving social media tools to help us. There are too many tools to mention here so I’ll just talk about a few of those I used myself. I’m attracted to online resources like a child to favorite toys (or dangerous implements), so I’ve discounted more than I remember. Some were no good, some no longer exist, some tempted me to free trials but were too expensive to continue. Others I definitely do not recommend. Why We need Time-Saving Social Media Tools Manually posting the amount of recommended

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Friday, 28 October 2016

How To Be Persuasive In Your Writing

How To Be More Persuasive In Your Writing Want to learn how to convince your readers to do something or agree with your point of view? Of course you do. It’s a little technique called…..PERSUASION Here’s how it works: You present a case that others find beneficial to agree with. You make them an offer they can’t refuse, but not in the manipulative Godfather sense. It’s simply a good deal or a position that makes sense to that particular person. Did you know that there are many persuasion techniques that can make your job easier as a content marketer or copywriter and your

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Thursday, 27 October 2016

Honoring The Best Of You In Spite Of Challenges

To create your life, may I ask you a life question? You’re on a desert island with a young person that you love.  You only had one chance at telling them the most important thing in life. What one piece of advice about life would  you tell them? This advice would be the way that YOU see -what’s  import in your  life. We are all changed by our life’s challenges, this is true. Our lives evolve, from the time we are infants to children to adults. We all change as a result of our private life experiences. Some are bad experiences

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Tuesday, 25 October 2016

7 Success Tips For Work From Home Entrepreneurs

Successful work from home entrepreneurs have one thing in common which is discipline. When I got started online I jumped two feet in without really understanding the learning curve and the discipline needed to see great results. Often times I found myself forgetting my reason for even starting a home business opportunity as a result of shortcomings that most of us see early on. The major reason for the shortcomings was I was too focused on making money and not providing valuable tips and strategies that solve a problem – which would make a smoother transition to presenting my opportunity! Although taking an

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Monday, 24 October 2016

Post Planner Connects You To Influencers

Post Planner Connects You To Influencers, helping you to run a robust “influencer marketing” campaign. If you don’t know what influencer marketing is all about, I’ll catch you up to speed. Special Affiliate Offer: Invitation To Post Planner The Hottest Marketing Strategy Influencer marketing is exactly what it sounds like. You develop a network of marketers, give them some love and kindness and build as deep a relationship with them as you can. Yes, it’s pretty much a one way street. You promote their content by linking to it on social media sites. You leave comments on their posts. You

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Sunday, 23 October 2016

What Is Crippling Your Rise To The Top Of Your Dream

Do you Suffer from Excusitis?  Who Knows…. What in the World is Excusitis? Excusisits is a terrible crippling disease, that can actually last a lifetime once it takes hold.  It destroys people’s will, it causes them to live in conditions that are intolerable, it leaves them broke financially and emotionally. The good news is that it can be beaten, and recovery is possible but it is not easy as it hides in your body in many nefarious ways. My Story I have a long history with excusitis, as I think I’ve finally got the thing beaten and I’m on the

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Saturday, 22 October 2016

How to Select a Perfect Niche for Your Blog?

Do you want to start a new blog? Editors Note: PAC welcomes Guest Blogger Robin Khokhar And don’t know on what Niche or topic you should start a blog. Well, in this post I will help you to select a niche for your blog. And will also explain you that which niche can help to earn money online and which niche will help to become a reputed author. Choosing a right niche is important because Google gives more preference to the sites which have a single niche instead of a multi-niche. Why must you choose a Perfect Niche For your

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Friday, 21 October 2016

Home Made Remedies For Migraines – 4 Easy Methods For Relief

relieve your detox headache

remedies for migrainesAre you looking for home remedies for migraines?

Migraines tend to be one of the most typical neurological disorders suffered by thousands of people every day. This condition causes extreme headaches on a single or both sides of the head, originating right out of the eyes and may last for a few days. In some acute cases, the pain sensation is really extreme that it hinders the affected individual from carrying out jobs or working correctly.

The unfortunate fact is there are no known cures for migraine headaches, but you can find a few known natural home remedies for migraines that provide some quick, effective relief. If you only but try them, these remedies could work miracles for you personally when you feel a migraine attack coming on. These natural remedies can take you away from possibly harmful drugs. Drugs can trigger complications, particularly if constantly used. What’s more, you can develop immunity to these drugs, causing them to stop working for you. Home cures are usually inexpensive and very simple to make. Many ingredients are used every single day.

4 Home Remedies For Migraines

  1. One of the more efficient natural home remedies for migraine headaches may be the damp towel. Wet a towel, squeeze the surplus liquid, and pop it in the freezer for about 5-7 moments. If it is cool adequate, put the towel over your eyes and outrageous of the mind. You will see that this brings immediate relief, especially towards the location around your eyes.
  2. Another of these good natural home remedies for migraine headaches is getting a scalp therapeutic massage. You’ll have this done by a specialist therapeutic massage specialist, or if perhaps you’re not available at the moment, you can try massaging a mind. Apply mild, circular shots towards the affected areas to ease the pain sensation.
  3. Aromatherapy can also be one of the most efficient natural home remedies for migraine headaches, bringing relief by enabling the affected person to inhale relaxing and soothing aromas. It must be noted, however, that not every person experiences relief or a cure. Nevertheless, for many who take advantage of it, aromatherapy not only treats migraine headaches – it brings soothing results for the patient. The preferred essential oils used in migraine therapy tend to be lavender and peppermint for soothing and relaxing properties.
  4. Herbal solutions make great migraine remedies and have been proven to work in some cases. The use of fresh ginger can reduce the pain sensation of a migraine. Ginger in powder form, prepared and ingested can deliver the same beneficial results.

Prevention is obviously much better than cure and something of the very efficient natural home remedies for migraine headaches is always to avoid attacks by drinking enough to prevent getting dehydrated. Dehydration can be one of what causes extreme migraine assaults so ensure you drink sufficient liquid per day; advised day-to-day allowance is 1 litre.

If you’re somebody who is affected with migraine headaches, it’s not necessary to go straight to the medicine cabinet. There are many natural, in-home remedies that work as effectively while keeping you free of any potential complications that medicine and drugs might bring. Learn to manage your migraine headaches and treat your self. Make sure to stay away from any migraine triggers and, with some basic steps, you might be surprised at just how effectively you can use these home remedies for migraines and prevent bad attacks in the future.


See what Healthline has to say about Migraine Remedies HERE

Origin by Steven Roentgen Kilometers

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Write Right So Your Readers Can Read Well

Write right so your readers can read well! As a freelance writer, editor, and educational professional, this is probably one of my biggest pet peeves: the lack of clarity in the way many people write. I’m talking about writing coherent sentences by making sure nouns, pronouns, and verbs coordinate with one another, and not mixing up plural and possessive forms of words. Also, spelling…I mean, really, with spell checkers in so many applications and even online, there is practically no reason to misspell anything. It’s still possible to use the wrong word (especially mixing up homonyms/homophones or words that sound

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Tuesday, 18 October 2016

Happy National Cook With Your Kid Day

  National “Cook With Your Kid” Day was Saturday, October 15th and was a great day to invite your kids into the kitchen – something you can still do! This is an opportunity to bond, teach them about nutrition and just have fun together. So how do you get your kids to want to do it? It’s simple! Plan to cook their favorite foods together, let them pick a new recipe or just experiment and see what comes out of it. Below are a few recipes to get you started. Guacamole has always been a favorite at our house, no

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Monday, 17 October 2016

Build A Targeted Audience Utilizing Facebook

  Build A Targeted Audience Utilizing Facebook Facebook is giving us the opportunity to pick and choose our targeted audience so that you can find your perfect prospects, followers, and clients for your business. No matter what kind of business you are running, you can use Facebook to build your clientele faster and cheaper. If you look around, you will find that a significant percentage of the top marketers and business owners are using Facebook as an advertising tool. It is a powerful tool to have in your toolbox. Facebook advertising can make your entire marketing process a whole lot

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The Power Of Listening And Building Rapport

build rapport with the power of listeningOne of the most vital skills for any effective communicator is the have the power of listening. The skill of listening isn’t taught in school, and it’s something that should be developed more. Listening is a powerful skill that can be learned effectively and practiced. It’s amazing how much more respect and esteem you will get by listening rather than talking constantly.

Isn’t it funny how sometimes you can link a specific phrase to someone? I once knew a guy called Ray kept saying “I hear you” when he was listening to me talking. Even though I liked this characteristic, I often wondered whether he was saying that because he actually heard, or that he maybe disagreed with what I was saying. It may have just been a habit and he wasn’t listening anyway.

Either way, there is a big difference between hearing and listening. Hearing refers to the physical dimension of the hearing process, which is when sound waves strike the ear and the brain processes them into meaningful information. To “listen” actually involves far more than hearing what someone says. This will mean a person paying attention and focusing on the subject in order to understand and respond appropriately.

Understanding More Using The Power Of Listening

Humans have basic and complex needs. Among the most basic is the need to understand and to be understood. The most effective way to understand people is by listening to them. Not only that, when people realize you have truly listened to them, you’ll gain more than just their respect, they will value you and recognize your credibility to speak.

Consider you own feelings when someone really listens to what you have to say.

It makes you feel good doesn’t it? You actually feel understood and there is a better “connection” to the person who is listening. When they show interest, you feel they really care.

An Important Element Of The Power Of Listening Is The Ability To Attend.

To be able to be in “attend” mode is where we focus in on a message and filter out others that are distracting us. It’s being able to focus on what a person is saying, and ignoring everything around us that’s happening at the same time.

Someone said once that the reason history repeats itself is due no one listening the first time around. The first time I heard that, I realized history had a habit of repeating itself, especially around bedtime at home! That was when my kids practiced attending. Focusing on what they were doing (not homework I hasten to add), they would ignore me because every time I reminded them it was bedtime!

Our overwhelming urge to talk is one of the biggest distractions to attending.

talking can kill the power of listeningThe desire to talk is immense and it’s so powerful that while the other person is talking, we are actively thinking about what to say next, and waiting for our opportunity to speak. When we are focusing on what we are going to say or interject. Our attention drifts away from what the person is saying to our own thoughts. We may appear to be interested and attentive, but we can distracted by our thoughts or something else that’s happening at the same time so easily it’s frightening! This is perhaps the point where we do fall into hearing and not listening. Our attention has drifted onto other things and is therefore not concentrated on understanding and responding.

True listening is a skill that needs to be learned and practiced. This is because the mind functions seven times more quickly than it’s possible to speak. The mind needs to be slowed down so that we can focus on what the person is saying without paying attention to other thoughts or distractions that are irrelevant to the situation.

An Example Of The Power Of Listening And Building Rapport

This example comes from “The Success Principles” by Jack Canfield.

One thing Jack writes about in the book is how to use the power of listening to build rapport and connections with people. This is the result from a series of four questions used in Jack’s personal and business situations. The questions are asked one after another.

The first time he tried this was with his sister, Kim. He asked the first question and listened to her answer. When she finished, he asked the next question, and continued after he got the answer through all the questions.

After all this, Kim smiled said to him “That’s the best conversation I think we’ve ever had. I feel so clear and focused. I know exactly what I need to go and do now.  Thank you” He was amazed as he hadn’t said a word except to ask the four questions, and had resisted the inclination to jump in with his own responses. Jack has found that this works every time and frequently uses this method.

It may be useful to look this up and craft your own questions. The important thing is to site and listen to the answers and avoid the urge to respond in any way. The answers given by the person can be just the thing they are actually looking for to gain clarity in a given situation. This seemed to be the case in the example of Jack Canfield’s sister.

Take a moment to think of a question, or ultimately a series of questions you could use to practice actively listening, and resisting the temptation to speak. When you have the opportunity, use your question or questions to experience a great way to build rapport with others through the power of listening.


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Friday, 14 October 2016

9 Steps To Optimise And Share Your Blog On Pinterest

  If you are a Blogger, then I’d love you to action these 9 steps to optimize and share your blog on Pinterest. Put simply, that means you are making it really easy for people to share your blog content, but also optimizing those shares, by setting things up so Pinterest ♥︎’s your Pins when they get there 😊 And of course, you want people to be following your Pinterest profile too! Why use Pinterest? It is super easy to connect your blog and Pinterest, and remember that posts pinned to Pinterest will stay there, waiting to be discovered by chance… or

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Tuesday, 11 October 2016

MozCon 2016 Video Sales Promo

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The Truth About Solo Ads

The Truth About Solo Ads is that they can quickly deliver you profits or drain your pockets. What Are Solo Ads Good For? You want people to join your list so you can start to offer them paid products. Those products can be your own training or coaching, or they can be affiliate products. You might want people to start learning about your business opportunity. The problem you have, if you’re new to online marketing is that you don’t have anybody to pitch your offers to. So you build an email list, and now you have people you can promote

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Is Buying Home Business Leads Really Worth It?

Attraction Marketing System

don\'t buy home business leadsI think congratulations are in order! You have decided to take control of your own future by starting your own home business opportunity in Network Marketing. So what now? You want to start earning those BIG commissions you read about on your companies website, but how are you going to achieve that?

After the initial training and going through a list of names, many new network marketing entrepreneurs make a big mistake. They spend a lot of money on MLM / Home business leads because they are desperate to build their business. They don’t always work through their list, but do this without considering the consequences to their budget and their fragile new home business.

It can be said that this is the “nature of the beast”. It’s obvious that people get excited about their new money making business venture. They don’t consider the consequences because all they actually think about is earning the BIG money as soon as they get a few people into their team making sales and money themselves.

The idea seems really simple! Spend some money on “quality” home business leads, give them a friendly phone call to tell them about your amazing opportunity and BAM!! Instant sign ups into your new business!

If only it were that easy! The failure rate in the network marketing industry wouldn’t be 90%! The fact is, most people bleed their budgets dry before they even get started!

The thing is, any home business leads service won’t tell you this when you visit their website. They will have a disclaimer in the small print, but unless you curb your enthusiasm past the persuasive sales talk, you won’t realize it. All you see is how you need to get the freshest, most qualified (and expensive) leads possible, which they supply to you, so you can grow your business fast.

Things To Think About Before Buying Home Business Leads

It’s best to ask yourself some pertinent and relevant questions before you even consider buying leads:

  • Have you ever done recruiting on the phone before?
  • Have any previous experience in direct sales?
  • Do you have a strategy when you get a prospect on the phone?
  • What are you going to say to a prospect? Do you have a proven and effective script you have practiced so they don’t think you’re “just another nuisance caller”?
  • Will you have enough leads to talk to to get some results? You should ensure you can stack the odds in your favour with enough numbers.

Any network marketing business needs fresh new leads daily, but the best way to get these leads is to spend LESS money and get MORE leads. It’s important to understand that MLM lead recruiting is a numbers game, not one of who filled in a form with the most information that qualifies them.

The thing to do is to focus on becoming a better marketer. This will help you to get a better return on your investment that will keep you in business for the long term and at the same time getting the leads and the resources to grow as a home business entrepreneur. Invest in your education and find out ways to get the best training and ways to fund your business so it starts on the right footing.

It’s important to keep your overheads down, so buying home business leads can be a bad idea. Invest in the things that bring you a return and give the education you need to convert leads you do get.

Attraction Marketing System

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Friday, 7 October 2016

Duplicate Content – The Lowdown

I was on a training the other day that happened to discuss duplicate content. There was an interesting, but very logical conclusion that duplicated content is both nonsense and fact. How can this be the case? Read on… So Is Duplicate Content Really Bad? The answer, it depends. Think about things this way. What about news sites? How many IDENTICAL posts are there on news style sites? Duplicated content all over the place right? Why do sites like Mashable still rank well if sites of that kind share content that is duplicated? If we listen to those who proclaim “duplicated

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Hello world!

Welcome to WordPress. This is your first post. Edit or delete it, then start writing!

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Tuesday, 4 October 2016

Why Would You Ever Want A Mentor

  What Is Mentorship? According to Wikipedia  “Mentorship is a relationship in which a more experienced or more knowledgeable person helps to guide a less experienced or less knowledgeable person.” What Are The Benefits To Having A Mentor? A good mentor is willing to encourage, uplift, help set career goals, business goals, learn a new set of skills to further your career or personal goals… and honors your dreams … On June 13, 2015, I wrote an article on my personal blog titled “Advice Of Your Mentor(s)”.  One of my favorite mentors is Eric Worre (and still is). He has a

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Wednesday, 28 September 2016

Why Does Your Brain Need Exercise?

Exercising your brain can help improve focusI don’t know if you have even thought about the fact you should exercise your brain. Are you aware of the many benefits of doing so? Having all the available facts should help to motivate you to take part in this form of exercise. Firstly, exercising your brain will keep it healthy. It’s a great way to rejuvenate your brain and also stimulate it.

The benefits to you and your business could be immense, especially if you’re struggling with any of the things discussed in this post.

Exercising Your Brain Helps Stress And More

Stress can affect the brain in a lot of negative ways and is a huge problem for many people. Exercising your brain is a good way to reduce stress, but it may be difficult to be rid of all stress. It’s not something any person likes to admit as they get older, but cognitive abilities tend to decrease. This is totally natural so stop panicking right now.

This doesn’t have to be the ultimate end though; you can keep your mind sharp by keeping it active. Experts have proved that the brain the ability to keep on learning and changing no matter how old you are. This means it doesn’t matter what you’ve been doing up to now – you have the power to get your brain working as well as it ever has, or even better!

Are you or have your been finding it hard to concentrate on what is going on around you? It may be that you read a chapter in a book, but when you reach the end you don’t remember much detail about it? This is because of your brain’s focus and having difficulty focusing on what you are doing. People who like to constantly multi task find it really hard to concentrate on one thing. They have programmed their brain to take on a few things at once instead of just one thing at a time.

There are a few exercises for the brain that will help you focus your attention on it. This is a very valuable skill that you can adopt for other things in your life as well. You may find it difficult at first, so be prepared for a little frustration, but don’t give up. The goal is to get past these hurdles so you can accomplish more that you ever thought possible, so remind yourself of that end goal and imagine yourself doing them.

Exercise Your Brain To Improve The “Processing Speed”

When you work hard on exercising your brain, you’ll begin to notice your “processing speed” improving. You’ll see that it takes a shorter time to complete certain tasks. You’ll understand things you read the first time and won’t need to read them again. There may be things you struggled with in the past that now come to you like someone has flicked a light switch because now you can see things clearly.

exercise your brain for more ideasSo you can keep yourself working to your maximum efficiency, it’s important to exercise your brain and reap the rewards. The last thing you want in your business and your life is to let the skills you already have suffer, so keep them sharp. As you get older, don’t be afraid to continue to learn new things because there is plenty out there in this world for you to understand. Make a list of all the things you want to explore. When you go through the brain exercising procedures, find ways to learn these things and get twice the benefit from your efforts.

It won’t be long until you notice significant changes in your thought process. You’ll begin to remember more, process information faster and focus your attention where you want it be. These benefits will your life more enjoyable regardless of what you are doing.

I hope now that you’re aware of the many great benefits of exercising your brain. Now you are aware, it’s time to find some activities to take part in. You can do these on your own at home or you can find some resources online. You can also do this with someone working with you, so explore all your options. The key is to find brain exercises that intrigue you. Make a commitment to exercise your brain regularly to get the best from it.


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Monday, 26 September 2016

Keywords For SEO

  Keywords For SEO How do you know the value of a Keyword? Everything begins with the search engine. You need something, you go online, and you type the words in the search box. These exact words are the keywords that everyone who is looking for the same ting as you, will type in the search box. Keywords are the most powerful and valuable tool that you can have in your tool box for your blog. Taking the time to create a list of all the primary and secondary keywords will be an activity with the highest return in your blogging journey. The

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Thursday, 22 September 2016

Why Self-Care is Critical to Your Success

  Self-care may sound like just another buzzword, but the practice is critical for any entrepreneur who wants to prevent burnout and maintain a high level of productivity for the long-haul – and most of us aren’t doing nearly enough of it. What does “self-care” mean to you? For most of us, it’s something we do in response to feeling tired or stressed rather than a part of daily life. Getting a massage, taking a soothing bubble bath or going for a walk in nature are all worthwhile activities, but without consistency, the benefits are far from sustainable. Try to

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Tuesday, 20 September 2016

What To Do When You Lose Your Focus.

It's easy to lose focusWith all the distractions around these days, it’s too easy to lose focus on what you have to do or complete your tasks on time. There are times when life seems to “get in the way”. Then the negative factors kick in. There’s not enough time. I am working too hard with no end in sight. I Can’t DO IT!!!

I can relate to this a lot recently. I do quite a lot of things anyway, but recently there have been weddings for 2 of my sons and my mother fell and broke her hip. This led to me going to the hospital nearly every day as well as helping to care for my elderly father. Don’t get me wrong, these things I NEED to do, but when you’re focused on getting business stuff done, these distractions are a real hindrance! The sequence of events came one after the other: One wedding, my mother falling and then the other wedding, my mother going to rehab in another town… and on it goes! Then things started to get behind and it was affecting everything. It’s hard not to get stressed and worry, but that doesn’t serve me…

Is it any wonder I lost focus?

When I Lose My Work Focus I Reassess And Reset.

Because getting stressed doesn’t serve me, I tend to look at things in the light of day and reassess. This usually means I reset my thoughts and write things down. This helps to get everything out of my head and get things back into perspective. To be honest, this is helping me to do just that. Ok, so I still have to deal with getting to the other town to see my mother, but I set that into my routine and work the other things around. It’s really not a big deal if you look at things sensibly.

The distractions can take a hold of you if you let them. They rule your life because they are necessary things to have to deal with. Because of this, the high focus you have on your goals and business tends to “move to the background”. Before you know it, everything is going south!

When You Lose Focus, You Lose The Ability To Be Rational!

don\'t lose focus on your purposeAll of these distractions can send you into a spin! You worry about everything around you, start to rush things and then things get missed out. Important things are forgotten because you have to get somewhere quickly. Your deadlines are getting closer and you’re getting into “panic” mode.

The important thing is to take control of it before it takes control of you! That is why it’s a good idea to sit down and reassess things. Don’t panic because, much like getting stressed, that doesn’t serve you either! Get yourself a coffee (or your favourite beverage), a notepad and pen and sit down to get everything into perspective. Write down where you are, what you have to do and the extra things you have to fit in. Reset your plan and work from that point.

If you have clients and you have deadlines to meet, talk to those people and explain your situation. In my experience, most will understand and give you a little leeway. If there’s one that won’t rearrange, then concentrate on getting their work done first. For those who are prepared to rearrange, agree a new schedule and get it done in your new routine. Communication is the key to everything.

If you find yourself in a situation similar to mine or anything at all that makes you lose focus, stay calm and reassess where you are. Remember that these kinds of distractions are usually temporary. Be prepared to make changes to ensure you regain the focus you have lost.


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Monday, 19 September 2016

How do you break a habit called Facebook?

  Well here’s a question that really doesn’t apply to me personally because I’m open to other social media platforms. But I do understand the value of Facebook and where its found. Let me explain. For the masses Facebook is the be all and end all of social media. So when i talk about the “value of Facebook” I’m talking about what Facebook gives me in return for the time i spend on the site. If I’m honest it really gives me very little. But, there are a few things that Facebook does do well. Groups are not subject to the

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Wednesday, 14 September 2016

Seven Tips to Inspire and Elevate Your Success in Life

    Here are  seven tips to inspire and elevate your success in life. Because really, who doesn’t want to become successful in life? You? Not me! If there’s anything I think of every day of my life, it will be the thoughts of becoming extremely successful. And I’m sure it’s the same with you. And what is success if not the results of doing something extraordinarily over a period of time and doing it extraordinarily well. Success can only be attained after a series of planned actions. But it’s since come to my notice that though many wish for the

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Saturday, 10 September 2016

Why We Struggle When It Comes To Selling?

  Why We Struggle When It Comes To Selling? How come something that we practice all our life is the hardest thing to do for many of us? Take a 4-year-old girl and watch her sell you the idea of buying her a Barbie doll or chocolate or whatever she feels at that time. Think about when you were a teenager how many times did you sell to your parents the idea of buying you new pair shoes, jeans, or jacket or even take you places. Doesn’t matter the nature of it and how big or small the thing is,

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Friday, 9 September 2016

Social Bookmarking – Effective For SEO Or Not?

In this post I will explore Social Bookmarking for SEO and determine if it’s still effective. With the many hundreds of social bookmarking sites that are out there, it’s important that we are careful how we use these sites. Not so long ago, the social bookmark was a quick and easy way to get backlinks from sites that were seen to have authority. Problem we now have is that some of the more well known sites are making the links “no follow”. This means that there is no direct link to your website. Google does see the relevance and the

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Tuesday, 6 September 2016

5 Tips for Buyers Looking For A Home in a Seller’s Market

  Here in Atlanta, Georgia in the USA, as in many other cities across the country, we’re currently in a seller’s market. For anyone looking to purchase a home, it’s important to understand what that means and how it can impact your home purchase. So, what exactly is a “Seller’s Market”? A seller’s market occurs when there are more buyers actively looking to purchase a home than there are homes on the market for sale. It is a generally accepted principle of real estate that when there is less than a 6 month supply of homes on the market in

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Sunday, 4 September 2016

5 Crazy Things You Didn’t Know When Things Go Wrong in Your Life

  So what happens when everything goes wrong in your life? How do you feel when things don’t flow the way you planned? Why does life just have to mess you up? You have gone through the dull phase of life. All your plans and dreams have undergone repeated failures. It seems that no matter your effort, positive results run far away from you. Isn’t it sad to see how things seem to work well for others and turn sour for you? Isn’t it heartbreaking to see how the law of attraction seems to malfunction in your life? How much failure

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Monday, 29 August 2016

My Honest Review of “How Is That Working?”By Robert Hollis

Review of Robert Hollis’ Free Ebook “How Is That Working” In reading my review below, it is my hope that you feel it is especially relevant that you will want to pick up a FREE copy of Robert’s book and read it because not only will it be very helpful to you and your business but you will learn what it is that you need to know to have the kind of success you have always dreamed of. Robert Hollis is a Man on a Mission As an entrepreneurial evangelist, he seizes every opportunity to encourage all who will listen and

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Wednesday, 24 August 2016

5 Tips to Help you Organize Your FB Strategy

  5 Tips to Help you Organize Your FB Strategy 1. Create List Of Interest On Facebook This strategy will help you stay on top of your marketing and at the same time organize & control your content. You may be creating content that you wouldn’t like to show to your grandma and your 12 year old nephew, but a lot of your Facebook friends will benefit from it. So how can you go around that? 1. Create List Of Interest On Facebook This strategy will help you stay on top of your marketing and at the same time organize

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Thursday, 18 August 2016

7 Successful Women Entrepreneurs and Their Inspirational Leadership Tips

As an entrepreneur, you must recognize that your team members and clients depend on you for motivation and inspiration. Leading by example is essential toward accomplishing that task. Effective communication is also vital, whether in oral or written format. These seven successful women entrepreneurs specialize in blogging, coaching, and/or mentoring. You can glean wisdom from their accumulated experience by following these seven tips to become a more effective communicator and inspiring leader. Inspire By Competence Demonstrate your competence: The best way to gain new clients is to show them you know your business.”–Sarah Arrow, Sark e-Media and Birds on the Blog

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Monday, 15 August 2016

5 Smart Things To Know About Affiliate Marketing

With Affiliate Marketing there’s a ton of information out there. So how do you make your online business work? The problem you’ve likely found out  is that YOU have not made any money. Affiliate Marketing is very popular, but there are still many in the internet community that really don’t know what affiliate marketing is. Those that do know of affiliate marketing often times do not fully understand it. “Affiliate marketing” is a type of performance-based marketing in which a business rewards one or more affiliates for each visitor or customer brought by the affiliate’s own marketing efforts… Affiliate marketing overlaps

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Monday, 8 August 2016

Why Analysis And Competitor Research Is Important.

My thanks to Joy Healey for giving me this subject idea. Competitor analysis is an important part of what we need to do when trying to rank a web page. Her question, leading to this post was “How on earth can I compete against SO many results?” My answer has to be based on research of your competition and the analysis of the results they have. Competitor analysis and research is so important. This is even more relevant when the competition is stiff. Knowing what the others have done to gain their rank is key to being able to rank

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Saturday, 6 August 2016

Increase Your Email Deliverability

Increase Your Email Deliverability Emal marketing is very popular and is a pretty effective business strategy. There are some critical policy changes from Google’s Gmail and Microsoft that are affecting the email deliverability. When sending an email the email address that you’re using to send the email “from” cannot be from one of the domain names of the email providers:,,,,,  How To Increase The deliverability Of Your Emails The safest way is to have your business domain name something like this: Google and Microsoft are doing this to stop people from sending spam emails

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Wednesday, 3 August 2016

It’s Not Enough To Just Have A Blog And Write A Post

In this day and age, in 2016, it’s not enough to just have a blog that you write posts on – and that’s it. No. We live in a time where there’s a great demand for us as bloggers to be “unique”,  to create our own personal brand. I think the word “Unique” is over used and causes a lot of confusion and time wasted on asking yourself “What’s unique about me?” Chances are you won’t come up with an answer because as children we’re taught not to celebrate or focus on how unique we are – it’s conceited. Right?

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Tuesday, 2 August 2016

How-To Create Your Pinterestingly Perfect Profile

Begin at the beginning… and follow my How-To Create Your Pinterestingly Perfect Profile to do just that! This will lay solid foundations for your account and get you off to a much more ‘attractive’ start. How many seconds does it take you to decide if you want to do more than look at a profile page or blog? First impressions are key for capturing the attention of your target market, and I will guide you through the steps to create your perfect profile below. We all know Pinterest is a terrific place to showcase your business, using the attraction factor of images

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Monday, 1 August 2016

Why Do the Tough Get Going – A Look At Re-Framing Mindsets

The Tough Get Going? Why? Sometimes the English language is funny. What does that mean, “the tough get going”? Well it isn’t about the local bullies in the school yard. It’s about the mentally tough – the people who seem to have accident after accident, incident after incident, many of which would STOP the normal person, but somehow they have the mental toughness to get through it. Let’s learn their “Secret”! Politicians or People in the Public Eye are often this sort of person. Let’s look at a couple: Donald Trump, love him or hate him, he was up to

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Friday, 29 July 2016

What Does Success Mean To You And How Do You Define It?

How Do You Define Success?  You and only you get to define what success is to you….what you want to accomplish, how you want to grow, what you want to learn, and where you want to shine and the more specific you are the better.  So, to FULLY embrace YOUR success, you MUST ALWAYS do the following: Believe in yourself Dream big Reach for the moon. Unleash your passion Be unstoppable Celebrate  If you want more success in your life, start with shining the spotlight on YOURSELF by remembering the following: #1. Know that you deserve it When you obtain

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Developing Alliances And Value With Cooperation In Business

forming alliances and business cooperationHaving worked in the construction industry in the past, I understand the value of alliances and business cooperation. Even though I worked as a sub-contractor to the main developing contractor as an electrician, it’s vital to coordinate and program the work together as a team. Of course, the main contractor sets out the schedule, but communication is paramount to keep everything running smoothly with a successful outcome.

If one thing goes “out of kilter” it can create real problems for the project and is generally unnecessary in my experience. It may be as crazy as one “ego” against another, which is against all the principles which I was encouraged to work in. Business cooperation and building alliances between trade company representatives who work on any project, from the smallest to the largest, is key. “Getting on” with your work mates, no matter what trade they are in, is the obvious way forward for anyone. The value to the customer also improves because of the way the job has come together and completed efficiently.

This proves that a construction project will run better when there is good communication, a feeling of “fitting in” with the whole thing and working TOGETHER! Egos are discouraged because they get in the way, but, as in many life models, they do exist. The greatest success is always based on the best cooperation and the best alliances.

Developing Alliances And Business Cooperation Online.

When I started working online, I believe that this cooperation can prove healthy in any business and developing alliances can only be a good thing. Of course, there is already a culture of cooperation and alliances with things like affiliate programs. Those who develop the products and sell them using affiliates are in effect using “sub-contractors” to whom they pay a commission for getting more sales.

Any form of business can use this cooperation principle, whether it’s in affiliate programs, ad coops or even in blogging. A newbie blogger needs to learn the right skills and build their confidence. When the internet was in its infancy, a new blogger learned much the same as they do now, but without the massive competition that is around now. It can be daunting at the very least writing and publishing a blog these days because of the millions of sites out there.

The questions arise:

  • How can I get seen?
  • How can I promote my website and get it ranked?
  • Am I WASTING my time?

What they need is SUPPORT. That’s where an alliance or club that offers help and guidance to a new blogger comes into its own, and they can only benefit. Working with other online business owners and bloggers takes a lot of the overwhelm out of getting that first post written and published. Encouragement from the community, however small, is essential to helping the new blogger to continue and flourish.

cooperation and alliances for business ownersThe newbie learns new skills and then shares the value in their new blog posts. Because of the alliance with other business owners, that content gets shared. From this point it can start to get interesting. It’s not too common for things to happen “overnight”, but imagine writing something that really connects with people and goes viral! The magic of the internet is you don’t know what will happen until it’s out there. Some things will happen and others won’t. The important thing is to consistently keep learning and keep sharing that value and you will progress.

Another great way to develop alliances is to subscribe to other blogs and comment on them. You will get noticed and can start to receive more traffic from this. This is extremely valuable if you find relevant niche related content to expand your influence and you use blogging for your business.

Business Cooperation And Alliances Through Groups.

Having been involved over time in tribes and small work groups to encourage progression with my business and my blog, one of the best places I have found is the Power Affiliate Club (PAC). There are several expert authors, of which I am privileged to be one, all of whom are willing to help new bloggers to move forward. It may be with simple advice, but also with encouragement to move forward and create that new blog and see it grow. Everything starts from a seed and grows to a flourishing plant when tendered for carefully and nurtured. Online business and blogging requires the same. If you have several people helping to feed and nurture that blog popularity initially, it’s surprising how it can grow and develop.

Everything starts with developing relationships. You can’t have an alliance with nobody. When you have started that relationship, you can form a group on social media or something like that and share your ideas and blogs etc. This is the formation of your own alliance and a good way to create better relationships and build a clientele for the products or business you promote too.

There are many ways to get started, but the important thing is to take that first step. Any new online business owner needs to learn skills, especially communication and generating content to entice people into their circle of influence. Don’t be afraid to work together in an alliance and take advantage of business cooperation to move forward.


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