Wednesday, 28 September 2016

Why Does Your Brain Need Exercise?

Exercising your brain can help improve focusI don’t know if you have even thought about the fact you should exercise your brain. Are you aware of the many benefits of doing so? Having all the available facts should help to motivate you to take part in this form of exercise. Firstly, exercising your brain will keep it healthy. It’s a great way to rejuvenate your brain and also stimulate it.

The benefits to you and your business could be immense, especially if you’re struggling with any of the things discussed in this post.

Exercising Your Brain Helps Stress And More

Stress can affect the brain in a lot of negative ways and is a huge problem for many people. Exercising your brain is a good way to reduce stress, but it may be difficult to be rid of all stress. It’s not something any person likes to admit as they get older, but cognitive abilities tend to decrease. This is totally natural so stop panicking right now.

This doesn’t have to be the ultimate end though; you can keep your mind sharp by keeping it active. Experts have proved that the brain the ability to keep on learning and changing no matter how old you are. This means it doesn’t matter what you’ve been doing up to now – you have the power to get your brain working as well as it ever has, or even better!

Are you or have your been finding it hard to concentrate on what is going on around you? It may be that you read a chapter in a book, but when you reach the end you don’t remember much detail about it? This is because of your brain’s focus and having difficulty focusing on what you are doing. People who like to constantly multi task find it really hard to concentrate on one thing. They have programmed their brain to take on a few things at once instead of just one thing at a time.

There are a few exercises for the brain that will help you focus your attention on it. This is a very valuable skill that you can adopt for other things in your life as well. You may find it difficult at first, so be prepared for a little frustration, but don’t give up. The goal is to get past these hurdles so you can accomplish more that you ever thought possible, so remind yourself of that end goal and imagine yourself doing them.

Exercise Your Brain To Improve The “Processing Speed”

When you work hard on exercising your brain, you’ll begin to notice your “processing speed” improving. You’ll see that it takes a shorter time to complete certain tasks. You’ll understand things you read the first time and won’t need to read them again. There may be things you struggled with in the past that now come to you like someone has flicked a light switch because now you can see things clearly.

exercise your brain for more ideasSo you can keep yourself working to your maximum efficiency, it’s important to exercise your brain and reap the rewards. The last thing you want in your business and your life is to let the skills you already have suffer, so keep them sharp. As you get older, don’t be afraid to continue to learn new things because there is plenty out there in this world for you to understand. Make a list of all the things you want to explore. When you go through the brain exercising procedures, find ways to learn these things and get twice the benefit from your efforts.

It won’t be long until you notice significant changes in your thought process. You’ll begin to remember more, process information faster and focus your attention where you want it be. These benefits will your life more enjoyable regardless of what you are doing.

I hope now that you’re aware of the many great benefits of exercising your brain. Now you are aware, it’s time to find some activities to take part in. You can do these on your own at home or you can find some resources online. You can also do this with someone working with you, so explore all your options. The key is to find brain exercises that intrigue you. Make a commitment to exercise your brain regularly to get the best from it.


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Monday, 26 September 2016

Keywords For SEO

  Keywords For SEO How do you know the value of a Keyword? Everything begins with the search engine. You need something, you go online, and you type the words in the search box. These exact words are the keywords that everyone who is looking for the same ting as you, will type in the search box. Keywords are the most powerful and valuable tool that you can have in your tool box for your blog. Taking the time to create a list of all the primary and secondary keywords will be an activity with the highest return in your blogging journey. The

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Thursday, 22 September 2016

Why Self-Care is Critical to Your Success

  Self-care may sound like just another buzzword, but the practice is critical for any entrepreneur who wants to prevent burnout and maintain a high level of productivity for the long-haul – and most of us aren’t doing nearly enough of it. What does “self-care” mean to you? For most of us, it’s something we do in response to feeling tired or stressed rather than a part of daily life. Getting a massage, taking a soothing bubble bath or going for a walk in nature are all worthwhile activities, but without consistency, the benefits are far from sustainable. Try to

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Tuesday, 20 September 2016

What To Do When You Lose Your Focus.

It's easy to lose focusWith all the distractions around these days, it’s too easy to lose focus on what you have to do or complete your tasks on time. There are times when life seems to “get in the way”. Then the negative factors kick in. There’s not enough time. I am working too hard with no end in sight. I Can’t DO IT!!!

I can relate to this a lot recently. I do quite a lot of things anyway, but recently there have been weddings for 2 of my sons and my mother fell and broke her hip. This led to me going to the hospital nearly every day as well as helping to care for my elderly father. Don’t get me wrong, these things I NEED to do, but when you’re focused on getting business stuff done, these distractions are a real hindrance! The sequence of events came one after the other: One wedding, my mother falling and then the other wedding, my mother going to rehab in another town… and on it goes! Then things started to get behind and it was affecting everything. It’s hard not to get stressed and worry, but that doesn’t serve me…

Is it any wonder I lost focus?

When I Lose My Work Focus I Reassess And Reset.

Because getting stressed doesn’t serve me, I tend to look at things in the light of day and reassess. This usually means I reset my thoughts and write things down. This helps to get everything out of my head and get things back into perspective. To be honest, this is helping me to do just that. Ok, so I still have to deal with getting to the other town to see my mother, but I set that into my routine and work the other things around. It’s really not a big deal if you look at things sensibly.

The distractions can take a hold of you if you let them. They rule your life because they are necessary things to have to deal with. Because of this, the high focus you have on your goals and business tends to “move to the background”. Before you know it, everything is going south!

When You Lose Focus, You Lose The Ability To Be Rational!

don\'t lose focus on your purposeAll of these distractions can send you into a spin! You worry about everything around you, start to rush things and then things get missed out. Important things are forgotten because you have to get somewhere quickly. Your deadlines are getting closer and you’re getting into “panic” mode.

The important thing is to take control of it before it takes control of you! That is why it’s a good idea to sit down and reassess things. Don’t panic because, much like getting stressed, that doesn’t serve you either! Get yourself a coffee (or your favourite beverage), a notepad and pen and sit down to get everything into perspective. Write down where you are, what you have to do and the extra things you have to fit in. Reset your plan and work from that point.

If you have clients and you have deadlines to meet, talk to those people and explain your situation. In my experience, most will understand and give you a little leeway. If there’s one that won’t rearrange, then concentrate on getting their work done first. For those who are prepared to rearrange, agree a new schedule and get it done in your new routine. Communication is the key to everything.

If you find yourself in a situation similar to mine or anything at all that makes you lose focus, stay calm and reassess where you are. Remember that these kinds of distractions are usually temporary. Be prepared to make changes to ensure you regain the focus you have lost.


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Monday, 19 September 2016

How do you break a habit called Facebook?

  Well here’s a question that really doesn’t apply to me personally because I’m open to other social media platforms. But I do understand the value of Facebook and where its found. Let me explain. For the masses Facebook is the be all and end all of social media. So when i talk about the “value of Facebook” I’m talking about what Facebook gives me in return for the time i spend on the site. If I’m honest it really gives me very little. But, there are a few things that Facebook does do well. Groups are not subject to the

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Wednesday, 14 September 2016

Seven Tips to Inspire and Elevate Your Success in Life

    Here are  seven tips to inspire and elevate your success in life. Because really, who doesn’t want to become successful in life? You? Not me! If there’s anything I think of every day of my life, it will be the thoughts of becoming extremely successful. And I’m sure it’s the same with you. And what is success if not the results of doing something extraordinarily over a period of time and doing it extraordinarily well. Success can only be attained after a series of planned actions. But it’s since come to my notice that though many wish for the

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Saturday, 10 September 2016

Why We Struggle When It Comes To Selling?

  Why We Struggle When It Comes To Selling? How come something that we practice all our life is the hardest thing to do for many of us? Take a 4-year-old girl and watch her sell you the idea of buying her a Barbie doll or chocolate or whatever she feels at that time. Think about when you were a teenager how many times did you sell to your parents the idea of buying you new pair shoes, jeans, or jacket or even take you places. Doesn’t matter the nature of it and how big or small the thing is,

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Friday, 9 September 2016

Social Bookmarking – Effective For SEO Or Not?

In this post I will explore Social Bookmarking for SEO and determine if it’s still effective. With the many hundreds of social bookmarking sites that are out there, it’s important that we are careful how we use these sites. Not so long ago, the social bookmark was a quick and easy way to get backlinks from sites that were seen to have authority. Problem we now have is that some of the more well known sites are making the links “no follow”. This means that there is no direct link to your website. Google does see the relevance and the

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Tuesday, 6 September 2016

5 Tips for Buyers Looking For A Home in a Seller’s Market

  Here in Atlanta, Georgia in the USA, as in many other cities across the country, we’re currently in a seller’s market. For anyone looking to purchase a home, it’s important to understand what that means and how it can impact your home purchase. So, what exactly is a “Seller’s Market”? A seller’s market occurs when there are more buyers actively looking to purchase a home than there are homes on the market for sale. It is a generally accepted principle of real estate that when there is less than a 6 month supply of homes on the market in

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Sunday, 4 September 2016

5 Crazy Things You Didn’t Know When Things Go Wrong in Your Life

  So what happens when everything goes wrong in your life? How do you feel when things don’t flow the way you planned? Why does life just have to mess you up? You have gone through the dull phase of life. All your plans and dreams have undergone repeated failures. It seems that no matter your effort, positive results run far away from you. Isn’t it sad to see how things seem to work well for others and turn sour for you? Isn’t it heartbreaking to see how the law of attraction seems to malfunction in your life? How much failure

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