Friday, 29 July 2016

What Does Success Mean To You And How Do You Define It?

How Do You Define Success?  You and only you get to define what success is to you….what you want to accomplish, how you want to grow, what you want to learn, and where you want to shine and the more specific you are the better.  So, to FULLY embrace YOUR success, you MUST ALWAYS do the following: Believe in yourself Dream big Reach for the moon. Unleash your passion Be unstoppable Celebrate  If you want more success in your life, start with shining the spotlight on YOURSELF by remembering the following: #1. Know that you deserve it When you obtain

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Developing Alliances And Value With Cooperation In Business

forming alliances and business cooperationHaving worked in the construction industry in the past, I understand the value of alliances and business cooperation. Even though I worked as a sub-contractor to the main developing contractor as an electrician, it’s vital to coordinate and program the work together as a team. Of course, the main contractor sets out the schedule, but communication is paramount to keep everything running smoothly with a successful outcome.

If one thing goes “out of kilter” it can create real problems for the project and is generally unnecessary in my experience. It may be as crazy as one “ego” against another, which is against all the principles which I was encouraged to work in. Business cooperation and building alliances between trade company representatives who work on any project, from the smallest to the largest, is key. “Getting on” with your work mates, no matter what trade they are in, is the obvious way forward for anyone. The value to the customer also improves because of the way the job has come together and completed efficiently.

This proves that a construction project will run better when there is good communication, a feeling of “fitting in” with the whole thing and working TOGETHER! Egos are discouraged because they get in the way, but, as in many life models, they do exist. The greatest success is always based on the best cooperation and the best alliances.

Developing Alliances And Business Cooperation Online.

When I started working online, I believe that this cooperation can prove healthy in any business and developing alliances can only be a good thing. Of course, there is already a culture of cooperation and alliances with things like affiliate programs. Those who develop the products and sell them using affiliates are in effect using “sub-contractors” to whom they pay a commission for getting more sales.

Any form of business can use this cooperation principle, whether it’s in affiliate programs, ad coops or even in blogging. A newbie blogger needs to learn the right skills and build their confidence. When the internet was in its infancy, a new blogger learned much the same as they do now, but without the massive competition that is around now. It can be daunting at the very least writing and publishing a blog these days because of the millions of sites out there.

The questions arise:

  • How can I get seen?
  • How can I promote my website and get it ranked?
  • Am I WASTING my time?

What they need is SUPPORT. That’s where an alliance or club that offers help and guidance to a new blogger comes into its own, and they can only benefit. Working with other online business owners and bloggers takes a lot of the overwhelm out of getting that first post written and published. Encouragement from the community, however small, is essential to helping the new blogger to continue and flourish.

cooperation and alliances for business ownersThe newbie learns new skills and then shares the value in their new blog posts. Because of the alliance with other business owners, that content gets shared. From this point it can start to get interesting. It’s not too common for things to happen “overnight”, but imagine writing something that really connects with people and goes viral! The magic of the internet is you don’t know what will happen until it’s out there. Some things will happen and others won’t. The important thing is to consistently keep learning and keep sharing that value and you will progress.

Another great way to develop alliances is to subscribe to other blogs and comment on them. You will get noticed and can start to receive more traffic from this. This is extremely valuable if you find relevant niche related content to expand your influence and you use blogging for your business.

Business Cooperation And Alliances Through Groups.

Having been involved over time in tribes and small work groups to encourage progression with my business and my blog, one of the best places I have found is the Power Affiliate Club (PAC). There are several expert authors, of which I am privileged to be one, all of whom are willing to help new bloggers to move forward. It may be with simple advice, but also with encouragement to move forward and create that new blog and see it grow. Everything starts from a seed and grows to a flourishing plant when tendered for carefully and nurtured. Online business and blogging requires the same. If you have several people helping to feed and nurture that blog popularity initially, it’s surprising how it can grow and develop.

Everything starts with developing relationships. You can’t have an alliance with nobody. When you have started that relationship, you can form a group on social media or something like that and share your ideas and blogs etc. This is the formation of your own alliance and a good way to create better relationships and build a clientele for the products or business you promote too.

There are many ways to get started, but the important thing is to take that first step. Any new online business owner needs to learn skills, especially communication and generating content to entice people into their circle of influence. Don’t be afraid to work together in an alliance and take advantage of business cooperation to move forward.


Check out other posts from the PAC July Blog Carnival

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Tuesday, 26 July 2016

Six Steps To Build An Awesome Online Brand

Six Steps To Build An Awesome Online Brand Your brand is how you appear to the world. Branding yourself means making yourself visible. With all the tools and social media, today more than ever building your personal brand is vital for every business owner. Your brand is what’s going to set you apart from the masses. As you are building your brand, you are creating the trust factor, and you’ll attract more people, more clients and members into your opportunity. Stepping into your personal branding and identifying your uniqueness is one of the most important steps to your success. Why Is

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Saturday, 23 July 2016

Got Content Constipation?

Oh man, I feel your pain! You need to write a blog post and you’re cringing at the thought of doing it. I get it. Before you grab the Advil, take a deep breath and let’s discuss this so you can close out of this post with a big smile, sound good? If you have a blog, writing an article is not on the top “Ten” of favorite things to do and yet, what do we ALL do on the internet – we read. Sure, it’s alright to read other people’s stuff, that’s easy. But writing your own content? If

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Friday, 22 July 2016

Why Your Life Journey Matters.

building your journey through life and following the pathEvery one of us has our own life journey. It’s a personal thing that often has too many people trying to influence. The outside influence is all around us. Why is it that all we hear about is bad news? Bad news accounts for a miniscule part of the news as a whole, but all we seem to hear about is murder, bombings, terrorism and the like. Why is that? I think it’s to drive fear into all of us so we comply with the control that is “invisible” all around us. We never really know the power of what we can achieve until we let go of this and set out our own life path.

The control can be as simple as people setting limits on us. Education systems in the past (and maybe even now in some circumstances) limited the expectations of certain pupils. What kind of message does that send out? It promotes “I can’t”. This is not because the person isn’t actually capable, but it’s because they are not being encouraged to forge their own path. Limitations don’t serve any of us, so don’t let anyone set limits on you or indeed set limitations on yourself. Be influenced by the opinion of others who limit you and you will never know what is possible.

It’s too easy to be influenced in this way if you actually let it happen! We all have our own inner genius that we were born with, but we have to follow the path to extract it.

Your Life Journey Is Unique To YOU

Knowing that you are unique is important. Everyone is unique in fact and if you live your life based on limitations set by either yourself or those around you, you will never know what your potential is and may never create a journey that is as fulfilling as you want it to be. Don’t let it create a list of “what if” in your head.

Creating your life journey is your own personal mission and it’s up to you to forge that path. Listen to constructive advice, but don’t let yourself be restricted because of someone else’s experiences. I have heard too many people say “that doesn’t work” when talking about the network marketing system. What they should say is that they are not comfortable with the method and need to find something that they can work with better. With the success achieved by some in network marketing, it’s clear that it DOES work, but it requires the same thing as any other business – WORK!

create your life journeyI had people who influenced me a lot when I was younger. I was told by a music teacher that I would never make it as a concert pianist. Talk about limitations! I know that those who make it in the music industry in that field have so much natural ability, but there are those who work hard and still make it. People can influence you in positive and negative ways.

I was taking lessons in playing classical organ at a local cathedral and my tutor was so impressed with what I was doing he suggested I take ARCO (Associate of the Royal College of Organists), which I did at 18. Unfortunately I failed by the smallest of margins in the practical and a little more in the theory and stupidly did not follow up. It was in my “A” level year, which may have had a bearing on it because I was so busy with other studies too, but I passed my music exam well.

I know now that the biggest and best influencer I should have followed was my organ tutor who believed in me. Instead I took more notice of the other teacher and didn’t forge my own path to do what I truly wanted to do. Other circumstances prevailed, but in hindsight (a wonderful thing now) I realize it was not just the limits set on me, it was my BELIEF in those limitations that stopped me from doing so much more.

I now know that the only person that truly influenced my life path was ME. I was a victim of circumstances, but mostly a victim of limits set on me by others and subsequently myself. I didn’t achieve the potential I had because I let other things get in the way.

Life Journey And Finding Your Direction

Finding your own direction and creating your life path is YOURS alone. Yes, you need a little guidance, but you need that goal to achieve everything you want in your life. Finding your direction is one way to find the road less travelled. “Beat around the bush” and let yourself be influenced by negative things and being a “victim” does not serve you in any way.

You have a dream or at least what is “considered” an achievable ambition, so focus on that NOW. Do what you need to do to reach your goal without becoming a victim of circumstances. You may, like me, experience some setbacks, but what burns inside you needs to be nurtured into a controlled and flourishing fire rather than a dying ember.

My mistake was to be the “victim”. It didn’t serve me in any way. The sad thing from my point of view was how easy it was to just leave those things I loved to do to make a living in a job I hated. Yes, it helped to provide for my family, but it didn’t provide for my own emotional well being. My advice to you is to re-evaluate your path if you feel you’re slightly off, but don’t give up on that dream.

My life journey hasn’t been a road less travelled by any means; it has been trodden down several times. This was because of uncertainty, limitations and influences that took me away from my true life path. I have at last found my path and am treading it with encouragement and real ambition. You can change at any time of life, but create as straight a path as possible, stay focused and practical in your ambition.

People around you want what’s best for you, but they may not understand your drive to do what they consider unachievable. It’s your life journey and you need to create it. There will almost certainly be some diversions, but keep at it because only YOU can realize what YOU want to do.


P.S. Get people around you who encourage you to keep going, not limit you, but help you. I am a part of a community called PAC that is full of people who support each other and indeed encourage in this way. The theme of this post was set by PAC’s Blog Carnival, which you can check out by clicking the banner below.

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Thursday, 21 July 2016

What Does It Mean To Be A Life Time Scholar

What is a Life Time Scholar all about?  We all have many paths that we take in life. Some lead to success,  or some lead nowhere, and some… you regret taking. What should I go to school for ? – If one of your regrets is not going further academically,  no matter if you are a stay at home mom or  an older person you may want to consider the many continuing education options available today. Simple Definition of “Scholar”: A person who has studied a subject for a long time and knows a lot about it : an intelligent and

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Tuesday, 19 July 2016

Ad Network Terms and Conditions – Avoid getting A Banned Account

Depending on the type of network, sometimes it’s harder to remain a publisher than to get accepted into an ad network’s publishing program. A vast majority of ad networks have some basic rules that publishers need to adhere to in order to stay in. It’s only natural – on one side, publishers only have to be concerned with the traffic and content. On the other hand, networks have to worry about their reputation as much as being able to provide advertisers with good service and brand safety. Two major rules publishers have to follow are concerned with action fraud and

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Monday, 18 July 2016

Instagram is a puzzling social site

Instagram is a puzzling site to me yet i still like it and use it regularly. This article is not going to highlight any marketing methods or offer any real solutions but to more ask the questions that members ask and let the Pac Members answer them. Instagram has well over 400 million active members so there can be no doubt that it is a huge window of opportunity but in order for Instagram to work for you, you need followers. Followers seems to be the biggest issue for me as a member, i have been unable to come up

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Saturday, 16 July 2016

Blogger Branding

 The first thing I teach my new blogging students is “Blogger Branding.” Most new bloggers are taught a process that looks something like this. Step 1 Choose a niche you want to blog in because it is meets one of these two criteria: It is (1) profitable, or (2) it is a personal passion of yours. Step 2 Sell things on your blog that are related to your niche topic. This is basically sound advice, but not something you can rush into. Things are not always what they seem at the outset. Blogging For Profit Too often, I end up

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Friday, 15 July 2016

It’s Important Never To Give Up On Your Dream.

Never give up on your dreamsOne thing that always stays with me, even in the hardest of times is never give up! There is only one absolutely CERTAIN way to fail, which is giving up on your dreams and ambitions because you have limiting beliefs. You must remember that YOU are responsible for your actions and your goals. A dream is only a dream if you don’t take action to achieve it. Limit yourself or listen to others limit you and you will never know what is possible.

I could say that quitting is the “easy way out”. Perhaps it is and you will no doubt have your own opinion on this. I can speak from experience about giving up, even though I have since started doing what I gave up many years ago.

This is not based on a business, but it can be.

The reason I am so passionate about the phrase “never give up” is because 20 years ago I actually DID give up on something. Something that was a big part of my life, but also something that I loved to do. Yes, I was disillusioned and perhaps a little “practical” in my thinking. What I did was to give up on music to concentrate on the business and work that I had no passion for and no real drive to move forward.

Never Give Up Your Passion

The business I was running was one that my father started. I suppose it was a sense of duty in a way to try to keep it going. I was actually good at the job, mostly because of my attitude to do the best I possibly can no matter what I do.

Quitting the music was something that, based on my thoughts now, was based on the disillusionment for sure and the fact that I had just been “paid off” for the first time in over 20 years. There was a non suppressed electric pump that caused one of my keyboards to change key randomly on its own when the motor was operating. I was heavily criticized for not being able to play and the fact that the performance was so poor. I had previously been to that venue to play and never had a problem. It was a new proprietor in the venue and the pump had only been installed a few days before.

Of course, it wasn’t my fault and because I played everything and didn’t use backing tapes or similar things, it threw me and affected me quite badly. Because of this and a couple of other things happening around me, I made the decision to stop playing for a while. That went on for 17 years.

My music left me. I was empty, but I didn’t realize just how empty until I started to go to choir again having been asked to join. Things then spiralled and I got back into doing what I love.

Thing is I could have made a living with the music and gave up on the job I hated, but I made the wrong choices. Not quitting music would have been the best option for me, but I did what I thought was right. Music feeds my soul and it feeds my passion and focus. I love to be creative with music and in the work I now do. I lost my “mojo” and yet I now have it back.

Never Quit And Then Say Could Have, Should Have, Would Have…

Quitting? Never. It\'s not an optionIt’s only since that mad time I realized that to never give up on what you love to do is the most important thing. I should have done something in music, could have done something and would have if I thought about it. The point is, I didn’t and I had to suffer the consequences by being so unhappy. It affected so many things in my life because I had lost a major thing that made me who I was and helped to keep me focused.

I carried on with the business that I had no enthusiasm for and lost it. I got into bad business with someone and ended up bankrupt! I was about as low as anyone can go without being dead! I thought about music again, but didn’t get back into it straight away. I was asked by someone to join a choir, which I did. Then I started to work on myself because I realized more than ever that it was ME that didn’t do what I WANTED to do in my life. It was nobody’s fault. I had made bad decisions. I was working on a way forward for me.

My business had suffered. My mindset was not good and I can only say it was because I had nothing to fulfil me and enthuse me as music does. The choir was the start.

Now I sing in 3 choirs, have singing lessons, I regularly play piano for a different choir and have so much fun. Last year I played a multi manual church organ for the first time in over 30 years and I used to play at a pretty high standard. The good thing is, the talent doesn’t go away and neither does the passion. It takes practice to play well again and the desire to play well burns inside so practice is a joy in itself.

Never give up on your dreams. Formulate a plan and prepare to fail along the way. You learn from mistakes and my mistake was a big one in my life. My focus is so much better now I have my “rhythm” back and the benefit to my own well being is evident. Quitting is an option, but it’s not a good one if you want to achieve. Too many people give up and are never satisfied with their lot. Don’t be like me and give up on what you love to do, even if it’s something you do outside work because it keeps you going. This is even more important if it’s your own business and you love what you do. There are always solutions to problems and quitting is really not the best one if you want to have a fulfilling life.

I have the opportunity to learn new skills in my business now. This includes blogging. I have been in a few blogging challenges and this month I am taking part in the PAC blog carnival. There are some great people taking part, so go see what they have to offer. Click on the banner to check it out.

Blog Carnival

The one thing my experience has taught me is this:

Never Give Up On A Good Thing!


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Wednesday, 13 July 2016

The Four Percent Case Study

The Four Percent Case Study If you study The Four Percent of people, those who are successful with their business, you will find a pattern. Every successful online marketer, who is a real entrepreneur – I mean anyone who is not pretending to be successful you will see that they have multiple income streams anywhere from a few, to ten, to twenty and even more. Everything begins with your mindset. I’ve witnessed people who had only one income flow losing everything just because the company they signed up with failed and went out of business. Several businesses closed during the

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Tuesday, 12 July 2016

Use This For Better Time Management – Pomodoro

Many years ago, I read about the Pomodoro Time Management System. Then as things often do I didn’t do anything with the information. I was reintroduced to the Pomodoro system when I started using an online project manager. Since them I have found it to be amazingly useful. The Pomodoro technique is a popular time management life hack. The technique allows you to work in sprints (called Pomodoro sessions) and maintain regular breaks. This has been proven to keep your mind fresh and fast helping to maintain focus and effectively manage distractions. If you feel there is not enough time in

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Friday, 8 July 2016

How To Find The Best Buyer Keywords

If you work online, you need to know about keywords. If you have products to sell online, you need to know about the best buyer keywords to use. When you look at a keyword it’s important to know how tough the competition is going to be. Any online marketer needs to know keyword research and the benefits of high search, low competition keywords and phrases to enable quick and effective ranking on the major search engines. Buyer keywords are more competitive because everyone trying to sell a product online is pursuing that sale. Because of this heavier competition, it’s always

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What You Learn Today, Take Action On Today!

Take Action todayThere is no time like the present is there? If you’re learning new skills in your business to help you progress, it’s vital that you take action today on what you learn. This enables you to find out more about what you have learned by experience. Too many times people have committed to learning new skills, but keep waiting for the time they’re more familiar with the task before they actually DO anything. How can this work? You really need to know what works NOW, not after 3 weeks of learning. Test what you learn by taking action on the things you have learned.

Taking action right away will help you know you’re doing things correctly, or whether you need to look at the procedure again. There may be times when you need to readdress or “tweak” things to suit your own particular style. Either way, finding out early is the best option.

Take Action Today – My Experience

I recognize the need to take action on what I learn now, even though I was like a great many people in the sense I wanted to know more before taking that action. With this “do it later” approach it’s too easy to procrastinate in this situation. We can all be guilty of this for sure.

Being in a situation of working with clients, I am happy that I now take full action on what I learn WHEN I LEARN IT!! It helps to retain customers because they start to get results. Also, my own results improved because I stopped waiting to learn more, but did what I already could do to make sure what I learned, I understood.

When you look for ways to learn about your subject so you can take the necessary action to progress, you can read through a great post on “How can I” Here

An Example Of My “Take Action Today” Philosophy

I was learning something new in my SEO business. It was using a technique on one of the top social media platforms that helps local businesses to rank well quickly.

learned something new today - take actionHaving picked up a new client who wanted to see his site ranking quickly if possible, I learned this new technique and applied it immediately to my client’s business. The website itself didn’t rank, because sometimes it’s not that simple. The online presence of his business showed up all over the first page of Google after just 2 days! His local listing showed up less than 3 hours after verification of in Google Business in the local 3 pack at position 2, which was above one of his main competitors who had been there for a while.

Taking IMMEDIATE action on what I had learned certainly paid off for my client, who was ecstatic because I actually managed to get his business to show up quickly. A few days later he got his first enquiry and a job through his website. Having had the site for 2 years and nothing happening, it’s a great feeling to be able to help someone to achieve their goal while also achieving something myself.

Needless to say I have started to adopt this technique to areas of my own business and other clients too. The results vary depending on the competition and how challenging the niche is, but progress is being made.

Remember, when learning new skills you should take action TODAY on what you learn. You will never know where it can take you as you learn more and gain more experience.


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Thursday, 7 July 2016

8 Health Tips For The Work At Home Entrepreneur

It is estimated that by the end of this year 63 million people will work from home. 63 million people who often forget to follow important health tips as they work to increase productivity. I aim to change that. The at home worker faces different challenges than the  person who works at a traditional office. The call of the snacks in the kitchen, the lack of face to face human interaction and the tendency to forget common practices of “coffee breaks” and lunch breaks can wreak havock on your body and your psyche. With these eight health tips you can increase productivity, reduce stress

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Tuesday, 5 July 2016

Webtraffic21 An Affordable Marketing Traffic Source – Review

A good marketing list is bread and butter of every affiliate marketer. Building and nurturing it is the most important thing you will be doing and if it’s not then I’m sorry to say that you’re going about it the wrong way. What is the point of having a great product if you can’t get it in front of people you know will be interested in it? It’s an exercise in futility. List building is so important that it really can’t be left to chance. I’m all for learning from your mistakes but if you try that with list building

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Saturday, 2 July 2016

4 Powerful Platforms to Engage Your Audience Live

Looking for 4 powerful platforms to engage your audience live? Well you’re in the right place becuase what you are about to learn can be the major driver for building a successful business. These strategies aren’t anything brand new. In fact, there’s a good chance that you’ve seen someone use them as recently as today. Heck, you may already be using them, and if you are then great! As internet marketers, or even non-marketers for that matter, we are equipped with internet tools that can bring us together and literally force us to make REAL connections. At the end of the day we are humans

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Friday, 1 July 2016

How to Live with More Gratitude Every Day

Cultivating a life that is rich in happiness,  abundance, and living in a sate of gratitude,  in all areas is really not that hard. The thing is, many of us get caught up (sometimes really caught up) in life’s dramas and forget to give thanks for the little things. Not that we are really conscious of this…life can be hard, it’s all part of it, but learning to live with gratitude can make it a whole lot easier. Living in a state of gratitude automatically raises our vibration to one of the highest frequencies we can feel. Gratitude and love

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Having Laser Focus Drives Your Passion.

passion is driven by focusIt’s actually quite obvious that without focus, it doesn’t really matter what your passion, there is no substance to carry that passion forward. Focus drives passion in such a way that it helps you to define goals. Goals need laser focus and passion needs to create the goal, so each is intertwined to be sure. Knowing what your passions are should therefore help to create the focus you need to reach your goals and be happy in your life. And that happiness is because you’re doing what you are so passionate about.

Certainly lots to think about.


“Follow your passion – It will lead you to your purpose.” Oprah Winfrey.

Focus And How It Drives Your Passion

Key question – what are you passionate about?

It’s no secret to many that know me that I love music. I wanted music to be my career, but it wasn’t ultimately because of some bad choices I made and the passion for the music meant that I left some important things to enable me to pass the exams to go to Music College. I lacked FOCUS on the most important things just because I was so driven by music that the rest just fell away in comparison.

It took me a long time to realise that passion on its own is not enough; you need FOCUS too. (My friend Deborah A. Ten Brink covers this very well in a recent post about business focus and your passion that you can read here.)

Because of all this, I ended up doing a job that I had no passion for, which meant that I had even LESS focus on being able to keep the business in that field running and achieving any potential that it certainly had to grow and prosper. Even though I spent several years performing music in a semi-professional role, my everyday business working the job I hated consumed me and this affected my music and therefore I stopped to concentrate on what I thought at the time to be “the right thing to do”, which was 100% on my “day job”.

Ultimately I lost the business, lost my way completely and had to reassess my whole outlook on life. I came across something I not only found interesting, but also a challenge. I love to be creative and this was a great way to get back into being creative. There were a lot of ups and downs and some more bad decisions, which I won’t go into or this post will turn into a book!

Eventually I got back into music. My passion was again fuelled beyond anything I can imagine and this has helped me in so many ways. I have focus on things that are important to me. I enjoy my work. I enjoy my leisure, which is singing in choirs and playing the piano (for which I get paid and really cool). My passion is back and my focus is more targeted than ever in my life.

Focus Drives Passion – Conclusion

focus drives your passionFrom my own experience I know that focus drives passion in more ways than passion driving focus. Of course, you need the passion to achieve anything you want in life, but focus is a much better driver. The passion I have for music brought it back to me after many years of neglect away from it. This in turn has helped me to focus on my business, which is one I now have a passion for.

Focus and passion are infectious, so be sure you are passionate about your leisure time AND your work. The passion will help you see the goals you want to achieve. The focus will help you achieve those goals. If you’re not sure what your real passion is, read about finding your passion on the PAC blog.

When you discover your passion, if you haven’t already that is, it’s a good idea to make some personal pledges to yourself to achieve the success you want. This will set you up in many ways to creating better focus to achieve and drive the passion in your business to greater heights.

If you would like to share your own passion and focus as well as get some much needed traffic and more interaction on your blog, you could consider joining me and other great people in the PAC Blog Carnival. PAC is a wonderful community of business owners who help and support each other to build their online business and develop and grow their blogs. Come and join us and share your thoughts.

We would love to know more about how your focus drives passion in everything you do too.


Join in the Blog Carnival

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